Chapter 53

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Aurora took a deep breath, no matter how much she had psyched herself for this moment, it was all nerve-wracking.

If Caspian was with her, then she could face anything, that's what she kept on saying to herself but she was more jittery than ever.

She jumped when she felt arms encircling her waist,

"Everything will be fine Aurora." He kissed her neck.

She nodded, "I hope, I just don't want you to get into more trouble."

"Don't worry, I am their son, they can't ever disown me."

Caspian took her hand, and he smiled down at her and she could see that he was confident, "Let's go."

"Of course." She replied.

They got to the dining hall and when they walked in she thought she was going to faint when she saw that his mother, father, and Nadia were already seated.

She swallowed a huge lump and her hands started to sweat a bit. Caspian opened a chair for her and she sat down and when he also was seated, she looked down.

"Caspian what is the meaning of this?" His father's voice boomed.

"Can we be civilized please, I am not here to fight father but to discuss."

"Discuss what Caspian? You are disrespecting Nadia by bringing one of your lowly wenches."

Aurora flinched at the words and she didn't look up.

"Don't call her that!" Caspian replied.

She was getting worried that this was all happening because she was here, and didn't want to divide the family.

"What has gotten into you boy?"

"Father, mother hear me out first, I love Aurora with my whole heart and I can't imagine living without her."

Her mother snickered, "She must be a witch!"

Caspian hit the table with his hand and a loud bang sounded, "You will not carry on insulting her like that. I love her and you will also respect her."

"Respect her! You forget with whom you speak." His father's voice came out louder.

"You would speak like that to your own mother for a mere concubine." His mother hit back.

"Who are her parents? From which household is she from?" His father asked.

"Does that matter?"

"Yes Caspian it does matter, our reputation is on the line." His mother replied.

"She is from a lowly household."

"Are you using your head straight Caspian?" His father's voice was becoming louder with every response.

"I will forgive this once, you witch you are dismissed immediately." His mother's words hit her and she blinked back tears that threatened to fall.

Aurora got up and Caspian grabbed her wrist and pulled her down and she was seated once more, "She is my guest, and the only person who can ever dismiss her is I, not you."

"Caspian!" his father's voice boomed, "You will not talk to your mother like that!"

"Fine she can't but it's okay when he insults Aurora, she has a name, it's not hard. AURORA."

"We do not need to remember the names of the likes of her." His mother responded.

"Well, you will need to, as I am moving her to my villa and chambers."

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