eleven - the black widow falls from her web.

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there was something about the air that hit leah whenever she took off that brought her a very different sense of serenity. though she knew that in this particular scenario, her guard had to be up, and she never let her walls fall.

leah found herself right behind maverick, her plane nearly diagonal with phoenix and bob. not too far behind them were rooster, payback and fanboy. that was their set order, not letting things change.

"here we go, stay low and don't alert these missiles, but be quick and on time. you prepared to shoot leah?" maverick instructs through the radio, leah letting a breath escape her before answering his question.

"locked and loaded. you ready rooster?" she answers, trying to get something out of the quiet ones in the back.

"ready." rooster responds, though not sounding as confident as he did beforehand. it concerned leah, but she knew that they had to do her best to stay focused. she didn't say any more, and let maverick lead them through the terrain.

back at the base, leah's father sat next to the admiral that had been on maverick's rear since his return. they watched everything go down on the radar and kept in touch with the pilots through radio communication. suddenly, two small blips end up appearing on the radar.

"sir, we're picking up two bandits 30 miles out." a woman explains, the two bandits almost perfectly aligned with leah and maverick's planes with the direction they were going.

"they'll make it."

while cyclone shot viper a look over the comment, he understood his optimistic attitude over the mission. his daughter was out there, so he didn't say any more.

out on the field, a small problem had begun to arise.

every little nerve seemed to be getting the best of rooster, as he never caught up with everyone, and shot him, payback and fanboy very behind schedule.

"rooster, we're 1 minute behind schedule, we gotta haul ass!" payback yells into the radio. but, unfortunately, it doesn't get him to snap out of it. rooster stays at a steady speed, concerning everyone up front.

"come on bradshaw, get moving!" maverick tries. but, still, there isn't a response. by that time, him, phoenix, bob, and leah were coming up on target.

"target acquired!" phoenix yells.

"i'm locked in!" leah starts, pushing certain tools that help her utilize the plane weaponry. "firing in 3,2,1, bombs away!" with that, leah accurately drops her bomb into the small opening, sending it into pieces.

"woo! good job leah! bradshaw what's the hold up?" maverick tries, but again, there's no response. but, someone manages to get one, and it gets rooster to haul ass quick.

"bradley bradshaw if you don't move your ass to target i'm gonna fly over there and beat it!" leah yells, giving rooster the needed kick to move it. as maverick, leah, phoenix and bob make their climb, rooster, payback and fanboy finally approach the target. but, yet another issue arises whenever they can't lock the weapon on properly.

"what do you mean you can't- oh screw it, i'm dropping blind!" rooster finally speaks, guessing the distance in his head before he lets the bomb drop.

"bombs away!"

by the luckiest draw any of the pilots had seen, rooster managed to hit the target perfectly. the action both impressing and relieving those who watched on at base. the area crumbling in on itself even further. rooster, payback and fanboy made their climb successfully, and eventually caught up with everyone else.

but, it didn't mean they were out of the woods just yet.

the black widow spider is considered one of the deadliest known to man. it's a natural born killer, and considered a queen among the arachnids. they have a heightened sense of perspective, and can catch anything with it's deadly widow's bite. but, some say that anytime the spider falls from her web, it signifies the death of a powerful person.

in leah's peripheral vision, she suddenly spotted a black plane, that didn't belong to any of them, tailing her.

"guys we got bandits on our asses!" she calls, getting everyone's attention quickly.

"shit, get ready for anything." maverick responds, noticing another one that trailed him. after a moment, the bandits cut in between the two of them, scaring the ever loving mess out of everyone.

"son of a bitch!! i don't think so!" leah yells, one the bandits trying to cut off rooster. as they try to fire at him, she pulls upwards, right above the plane, shooting their upcoming missile to bits. the bandit tries the same maneuver with her, but misses as she breaks right quickly, the missile hitting a mountain.

but leah doesn't get so lucky whenever the bandit maverick was trying to shake suddenly notices her. from there, they switch their agenda. and things take an eerie turn whenever one of them finally manages to hit her plane. they way they hit it, there was no saving, as she starts to go down.

"no!" rooster yells, trying to go after her. the bandits began to trail him, but he didn't care as maverick and phoenix did their best to fend them off.


leah's blood curdling scream for her mother was the last thing that was heard before a ball of fire hit the ground.

"leah! shit shit shit!" rooster curses. phoenix had managed to shoot one of the bandits off, but one was still tailing maverick.

"i didn't see a parachute!" payback yells, a slight quiver in his voice at the sight.

"i'm going after her!" rooster orders, only to be stopped.

"negative bradshaw. not until enemy pathway is cleared." cyclone interjects. on the sidelines, hangman sat in the cockpit like he had just seen a ghost. the blood curdling scream from leah had frightened everyone.

"permission to assist?" he asks into the radio, trying to keep his composure even though he may have just lost his best friend.

"negative, we'll send search and rescue." finally, a change ensues when after cyclone's deliberate disrespect, viper couldn't take it anymore. as he suddenly pushes cyclone out of the way and he grabs the main mic.

"i have enough to come out of retirement and rip every star on that god damn uniform of yours to pieces. you find my daughter no matter what it takes!" viper orders to the pilots. rooster nodding at the order, even though nobody saw. but, just as he was about to pull down, he sees maverick's plane go past his side to protect him from enemy fire. and before they knew it, a second ball of fire hit the ground.

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