fourteen - home.

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after leah ended up collapsing at the landing pad, she had to spend a day in the infirmary. thankfully, she only collapsed due to the blood loss, and was treated without issue. the day in the infirmary was also accompanied by rooster not leaving her side, and visits from everyone possible. she was gifted a stuffed dog that held a "get well soon" sign on it by bob, which she had kept by her side until she was given the alright to go home.

leah was someone who was quite protective over one particular thing; her car. she never let anyone drive it but herself, and would absolutely lose it if anyone did as much as chip the paint. but, on this particular occasion, all she wanted to do was sleep. so, as her and rooster made their way towards the Impala, she suddenly grabs the keys from her pocket and tosses them in his direction.

"here, i'm tired, you drive." she told him, rooster catching the keys on instinct. he didn't say anything more, and simply switches sides with leah as he climbs into the driver's seat, leah in the passengers.

"let's go home, finally." she gently says, rooster simply smiling at her as he started the engine.

about halfway through the car ride, leah had eventually fallen asleep. the light melody of tears for fears and rooster's oversized jacket enough to relax her, giving her the most peace that she had in a while. she ended up sleeping soundly the whole car ride, rooster turning the radio down that way she wouldn't be disturbed.

whenever the impala pulled into the yard, rooster noticed leah's dad and maverick seated on the porch, having a couple of beers as they conversed over who knows what. the conversation suddenly stopped whenever they noticed the car, viper walking over to the driver's side. rooster pointing to leah's sleeping figure.

"she's been asleep since we pulled off." rooster quietly tells him. he ended up scooping leah up in his arms once he got out, leah surprisingly staying asleep as rooster carried her all the way to her bedroom.

whenever leah had finally come around, she was welcomed to the noise of seinfeld playing on her television. she felt the warmth of her sheet engulfing her, and an arm wrapped gently around her waist. instead of feeling her usual furry pillow that she usually slept with, she felt bare skin touching her cheek. as she finally let her eyes open, they instantly followed the arm that was wrapped around her, locking eyes with rooster. he kissed her on the forehead before moving some of her hair out of her face.

"hi beautiful." he gently says, turning the volume on the television down.

"hi, how long have i been out?" leah asks, though snuggling into rooster's chest more.

"about four hours, a couple people stopped by to visit." he responds, pointing to the floor, where hangman was asleep, surrounded by a bunch of D&D figures. it made leah laugh slightly, knowing that he liked the game leah grew up on. phoenix and coyote were also there, phoenix dozed off against the bed frame, coyote passed out in the old chair that sat in view of the t.v. it made leah happy, knowing that people cared enough like that to visit after everything they went through on the mission. snapping herself out of the slight deprecation, she then grabs the old teddy bear that she had on her nightstand, tossing it at hangman's head. it gives leah a much needed laugh, seeing him jump a foot in the air as an ice troll hits him in the head.

"leah? leah oh my god don't fucking scare me like that." hangman suddenly snaps, leah and rooster laughing as they gesture for him to be quiet. rooster pointing to phoenix and coyotes sleeping figures. hangman quickly quiets, kneeling next to leah's bedside.

"you doing okay?" he asks her, leah pushing down one of the hairs on his head that was sticking up, only for it to spring right back.

"yeah, better, knowing that you guys are here." she responds, poking hangman on the forehead.

eventually, phoenix and coyote finally woke up. everyone watching as hangman and leah played a round of D&D, which, with the help of rooster, leah wiped the floor with him. they played various board games afterward, enjoying each other's company as they let their "competitive" sides out in a positive way.

after a while, maverick had eventually stopped by. leah's dad was making some of his infamous barbeque, which brought mostly everyone downstairs. payback, fanboy, and bob even stopped by, making leah feel 1,000 times better.

as everyone was downstairs, either helping leah's dad or waiting on some barbeque, maverick now sat in the chair that coyote originally occupied. as leah fiddled with one of the figures that hangman attempted to wage war with during their game.

"your dad says bradley didn't leave your side for a second." maverick comments, a smile forming in leah's expression.

"not for a moment." she responds, the two exchanging a laugh.

"so, what now?" maverick asks her, which causes leah to finally stop. she knew that she wouldn't want to pilot for a little bit, but wasn't sure when it came to being an RIO. the future was the least of her worries at the moment however, as she simply enjoyed being at home.

"i don't know, if i'm being honest, i want some time off from the cockpit. being an RIO i'm not sure however, it just depends." leah tells him, being honest about how she felt.

"well, whatever you decide, you have all of us backing you. and we're more than proud of how you performed out there. and i know iceman would be more than proud of you, so would your mom." at the mention of iceman and her mom, leah, for a moment, has to fight back tears. but, she chokes them back, adopting her familiar smile.

"thanks mav." she tells him. the two sharing a hug as rooster, phoenix, bob, and hangman all peaked their heads through the door. reminiscent of the beatles in their "a hard day's night" film. the only difference being that bob fell on his rear. phoenix helping him up as maverick gives a kind "come in."

"dinners ready, barbeque a la leah's dad." rooster jokes, scooping leah up again.

"bradley i'm perfectly capable of walking!" leah laughs, playfully smacking rooster on the arm.

"not a chance best friend, you're under our loving support and care till the end of time." hangman responds, the smile never leaving her face.

"well at least i know i'm surrounded by people who truly make me feel at home." leah tells them, earning a cheesy "awe, leah loves us!" from bob.

"i always have and i always will." leah laughs, poking bob with the fuzzy pink socks she had on.

"let's eat." phoenix finally chimes in, everyone giving excited reactions as leah's eye's simply trailed to the male who carried her.

"thank you." she simply says, getting rooster to smile bright. her eyes sparkling up at him, enough to bring peace to even the toughest soul.

"always, i love you, more than anything." he responds, leah feeling her heart melt in a positive way over the statement.

"i love you too, forever and always." with that, the two exchanged a cheesy kiss that ended up being in front of everyone, as cheers erupted before they eventually sat down to eat. no matter what, this was what leah metcalf had always wanted. being surrounded by people she called her family, enjoying every moment of it.

she was home.


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