scrapped scene two: you got a plan, bradley?

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(all scrapped scenes i share are written in script format, to just show that they were unused and didn't have much detail to them.)

basic summary: to work out who will be where on the mission, maverick comes up with an exercise that pairs leah and bradley together. who just so happen to go up against hangman and coyote.

- the scene opens with leah and rooster, as they speed their way through a small incline. hangman and coyote are right on their tails, as rooster tries to pinpoint their exact direction from the back.

- leah: "i'm not hearing too much communication from you drumstick, how far away are they?"

- rooster: "first off, that isn't my name, and second off, two hundred feet and closing. break a hard right and lose these assholes!"

- while leah rolls her eyes internally with their small moment of banter, she then breaks a sudden, and hard right that jolts them both slightly to the side. the pair enjoying the small adrenaline rush, which fades whenever hangman and coyote quickly catch up.

- hangman: "you can't get rid of us that easy!"

- leah: "oh great! so, you got a plan bradley or should i just stay duck and covered?"

- rooster: "my plan was to wait till they got closer!"

- leah: "that's a shit plan.."

- as leah suddenly trails off, bradley's eyes sudd widen whenever leah suddenly begins to jolt them upward.

- rooster: "woah woah woah woah, leah!!"

- bradley's backseat piloting proves useless, however, as leah suddenly inverts them right on top of hangman and coyote. leah flipping them both off while upside down as maverick's voice suddenly comes through the radio with a laugh.

- maverick: "i think we have a winner, you four come back to the tarmac."

- rooster: "i'm gonna be sick.."

- internally, leah fights back a smile as she steers them both right side up, now flying alongside hangman and coyotes plane.

- leah: "you're welcome!"

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