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I called Leah.

she answered my call.

Hello, Hannah, how are you feeling now?

Yeah, I'm fine.

First, I want to know something.

Leah responded yeah, Hannah Go ahead.

Leah, do you know Seth?

Leah, replied yes, why will I not know about my boyfriend.

I am shocked!


Your boyfriend?

How come you never told me about you dating someone?

Sorry, Hannah, I didn't get the time to tell you.

And I heard he met you outside the class in the morning.

Guess Seth had told her.

Yeah, we did.

I was stunned when he said he knew me.

That's why I wanted to know.

And one more thing, how did you guys meet?


Me and Seth?

I could feel how excited she was, telling me about her relationship with Seth.

She started telling me the story.

My band, we used to play in his family restaurant and bar.

So, one day after we finished our singing there.

We decided to have a party.

We drank a lot.

So, a thing that happened was, a drunk guy tried to harass me.


Seth was there to save me from him.

After he saved me, he made me sit in a corner seat.

He brought the bandage and he treated the wound on my wrist.

When I'm drunk.

I don't know what I'm doing, I only saw his charming face and how handsome he was.

Then I suddenly held his face with my two hands.

And I kissed him on his lips.

As she is saying, I can feel how happy she was at that moment.

I am happy for her.

Yeah, that was my first kiss.

I tried to hide from him but he didn't want me to hide.

He one day proposed to me.

That's how it all happened.

Leah, I'm so happy for you.

I'm a bit angry with you, because you didn't tell me.

But I'm glad you found someone who loves you for you.

Okay, then, got to go, time for bed, Nighty-night, bye....

[Leah on the phone] yeah night smarty-pants. [cuts the call].


The next day.

As usual, I and Leah went to college together.

As we entered the classroom, people were staring at me.

As if something is on my face.

I and Leah started looking at each other.

Then I saw an unusual sight.

It was James being this early to the class?

I smell something fishy going on.

As I went closer to my desk.

I saw there is something written on my chair.

It was written.

#reservedfordork, Hannah. With a funny face drawn on it with spectacles.

This made me both cry from inside and angry.

I took the water bottle from my bag and I poured the water on James's face.

I'm glad I did but I am scared too.

Suddenly, He came so near to me.

I could feel his intense stare straight through his eyes.

Suddenly, there was an announcement on the college radio.

That there is a uniform and classroom inspection today.

I am like, shit!

What just happened!

I'm doomed for this life.

This will make him madder at me.

As he heard this, he just left immediately, to change his shirt.

He only left because he didn't want to get a suspension from Mr. Harper.

He already has tons of warnings on his list.

He then left.

Because I am angry at him.

I took his bag and wiped my chair and my desk but it is no use.

This time I'm not going to leave him.

Before he returned to class, I took his bag and threw it outside the window.

After few minutes.

Mr. Harper has come to the class.

And for the surprise, Mr. So called prince charming James was behind Mr. Harper.

Mr. Harper asked him, late to class again?

He told Mr. Harper, no sir, I'm not late.

I just went to the washroom.

If you don't trust me, you can see my bag in my place.

James, there is no bag there!

James with a shocking face, what?

No sir I came early.

They started debating.

I then interrupted, yes sir, he is just lying.

If he is saying the truth, you will find his bag right, sir?

See there is no bag Mr. Harper.

Mr. Harper just nodded his head.

I then saw James's face, he was having his face turned red, he bit his teeth, he stared at me with his half eyes closed with a glare on me, his fists were held tight just like the punching ones.

I just gave him a smirk and a small smile on one corner of my lips.

I folded my arms.

I gave him a small pantomime showing that "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR MESSING WITH ME" with my head bent slightly to the left side.

And I also showed Mr. Harper what he did to my desk.

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