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I can see a person swimming towards me before I could see who it is, my eyes shut down.


    [JAMES P.O.V]

    I am so out of control now.

Was I that harsh on her?

I guess I was?

I shouldn’t have done that. Hannah, why did you do this to me?

I don’t want to lose you Hannah.

Got a call from Leah. I didn’t want to pick it up, I cut her call.

I got call from Seth. Picked up his call in an irritated way.

I answered him saying, what is wrong Seth?

He replied, James, Hannah met with an accident. She is in “NORTHWESTERN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL”.

Listening this I rushed to the hospital.

Reached hospital.

I rushed to the ICU. I can see Hannah’s parents holding each other and crying.

Leah and Seth are consoling Hannah’s parents.

    I ran to them.  Me before getting close to the emergency room. Mrs. Wilson ran up to me and held my collar saying, what did you do to my daughter?

You promised me that you won't hurt her, said you would take care of her, now see where she is? In this room [pointing her index finger out].

Mrs. Wilson crying out, fell on her knees.

I can only see how broke she is now.

Mr. Wilson came close to me.

Me Wiping of my tears on my right and left lower shoulder area. He took me aside and told me to leave. He said, whatever happened between you two; think it was part of your beautiful memories. Guess this will be your goodbye to her, I cannot lose my only daughter. This is the only thing I can ask from you now. Just leave my daughter.

    Mr. Wilson can I at least see Hannah! Please?

He still hesitated, I unwillingly and broken-hearted left from there.

I left with a heavy burden on my chest.

I reached home.

    "Two days went away".

    I got call from Seth; saying, James. Hannah is conscious now but the doctor told that due to sudden shock before the accident caused her to erase her memory a bit.

Nothing to worry, they said she will regain it all at some point.

Hearing this my whole world shattered into pieces.

I hate myself for putting Hannah in this situation.

I knelt down on my knees, my legs totally felt numb. Holding my phone in hand, tears rushing down my eyes, a breathless crying.

Looking at me, my mom asked me, what is going on with you?

I told everything what happened two days ago.

She just hugged me and told James, think this is as your second chance to make up with her. Trust is what needed in the relationship to stay strong. Whoever might come in between you both, just remember to believe and love each other that's it. Okay? Even if she forgets you, create a new bond, show her the new beautiful chapter. Try to create new memories. Give her all the love you want to give.

Listening this, I just want to see Hannah once.

I made a call to Seth. He picks the call.

    " Seth, I want to see Hannah. I don't want to lose her." 

He told, Her parents are still here. I'll call you when they leave. Me and Leah will make them leave, okay?

    Yeah, fine. Let me know immediately.

I hung up the call.

After half an hour.

I got call from Seth. He said they managed to make them leave so, I can go visit her.

I rushed to hospital. I could see Seth and Leah standing so nervous, as I went close to them, they said to be careful and they will signal me if anyone comes.

I nodded saying okay.


    I slowly went inside the room.

Looking at Hannah sleeping like this. How can she be so beautiful even when she is sleeping?

I sat beside her, holding her left hand with my both hands, kissing her hand, looking at her, my tears rushed out.

    Hannah, I'm so sorry baby (crying). I don't want to lose you, I don't hate you baby, please come back to me. There is no me without you. Please baby, just don't leave me.

Seth came in and said there is a dose to be given to Hannah, so the nurse might be on her way now. You can come tomorrow, now soon. go.

Hearing this, I gave a kiss on Hannah’s lips and I hurried out.

I returned back home.

    I got freshen up, all I could think about is Hannah. I couldn't even shut my eyes.

I kept on walking in my room. I was waiting for the next day to come.

Finally, the sun rose. I got freshen up and hurried to the hospital.

As I am walking in; I saw Hannah walking in the corridor, towards me; to test her if she really forgot everything. I wanted to test try something.

As we were about to cross each other’s path. I just on purpose let down the bracelet. I walked past her; she called out, excuse me?

I turned back and responded, yes?

She asked, guess this is yours?

I answered, yes!

    Don’t lose it, looks like it is from someone special.

I answered, yes, it is.

She smiled and just walked away.

I walked to the top of the roof. There is this chair on the rooftop, sat there, all I can do is nothing but cry. I just cannot stop crying.

I sat there for about ten minutes. I’m just lost in my thoughts.

    I then heard someone coming to the top. I wiped my tears. This sound feels familiar.

These footsteps are getting closer.

She came close and sat beside me saying, oh! The bracelet guy! What are you doing here? Oh my God! Were you crying? Are you alright?

I answered, No, I'm not. I don't know what is happening in my life right now but I'm holding on to the little bit of hope that I have left in me.

I really hope my bracelet girl comes back to me.

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