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He came to me and he opened the door.

He held my hand and took to a place.

It's the reveal time.

He untied the ribbon.Opened my eyes.

It's Buckingham fountain!

It's so magical!

Snow under my feet, the magical view from the fountain. And suddenly James hugging me from behind. It's so warm and cosy.He just laid his chin on my right shoulder.

I really am so happy.

As we were hugging and having our moment. There came this guy, he looks like the guy who loves taking pictures.

He asked us, if we didn't mind, he would take our picture. Then me and James looked into each other's face. And said it is fine.

Until now it was fine but don't know why suddenly, I am unable to give any good poses for the picture.

Then James told me to give a peck on his cheeks. I don't know why I am blushing. But I agree that I am really a little shy. I nervously turned to face him.

Me being one inch close to James's face. I could feel my heart rate is going so up. But still I took the courage to give a peck on his cheeks.

As I am about to give a peck on his cheeks, He turned to me.

Oh God!

How did this become from a peck to a lip kiss, He held me chest close, I didn't stop him.

I just went with the flow.

The perfect time and place for a kiss.

His kiss, my fingers running through his hairs, his hand running through my bottom-back to my waist, and to my neck.

The heat is really building up between us.

Then the guy who took our picture, He gave us a Polaroid.

It is the kiss picture!

I told James, I am going to take the picture, but instead I'll give you something else.

Poor James, he moved himself closer to me thinking that I am about to give him a kiss.

I wanted to tease him so, I went close to his lips.

He is really so cute when he closes his eyes waiting for my kiss. I let out a small smile. He opened his eyes not expecting that.

I took out the bracelets, I made for us from my jacket pocket. (The bracelet is of rectangular-metal plates, imprinted with our names H and J, with forever infinity symbol between the letters, with a hole on the right corner of the plate, which had a heart shape lock in it. And braided band for tying. For the other one, it goes same with almost everything except for the letters H and J, I had J and H and a key at the right corner of the plate).

I held his hand in my hands. I tied it to him, and made him tie the other one to my hand.


James looking at the bracelets, he let out a small laugh, his eyes filled with tears.

I didn't know what made him cry, but he still looks cute with that expression on his face.

He said, I love you Hannah, no matter whatever happens, I promise that we will stay together just like this until my breath lasts.

He came close to me and kissed me on my forehead and he hugged me so tightly.

His head resting on my left shoulder. His breath is so soothing, it is like a romantic music is being played in my ears.

He then kissed me on my neck. The chills running down my body, my legs slowly started lifting up. I could feel the pain near my neck but it is like a pleasure pain. He sucked my neck for about a minute. He stopped it then.

Both looking at each other, He told me, you belong to me alone. Me blushing, nodded yes.

He told, let's go, we have college tomorrow.

Got into car, reached home, he dropped me near my home.

Before leaving he again kissed me on my forehead and told me, I love you, Hannah.

I got out of car.

We waved each other goodbye with a smile.

Mom and dad are watching movie in a sofa. Watching me enter into the house with a huge smile. They were smiling. Mom asked how did It go, I told them it went well.

I started walking towards the stairs to go to my room. My mom suddenly ordered me to stop. I didn't know what for? Mom turned my chin to right side and asked me why I am having that purple bruise on my neck.


I totally forgot about it.

It's nothing mom, I said. It's just a scratch.

She said nothing, just gave a smile and said ice pack would be best for the scratch and left.

I just covered my neck with my hand and ran into my room with embarrassment.

I rushed into my washroom and checked it. It is the passion mark given by that psycho.

But I suddenly let out a blush kind of smile looking at it.

I got a ting; on my phone it is James's text message. It is good night text with xoxo (hugs and kisses). I texted back the same.

Then went to sleep.

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