Chapter 28~Happiness

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Rahma opened her eyes slightly the light was too bright where am I ? She asked herself

She tried to sit but a hand held her and helped her sit against the bed , she held her head , it was throbbing

" where am I ?" She asked groggily

" in the hospital " Bilal replied as he rubbed her hand , he left the room immediately and called the nurse ,

After a few seconds bilal came in with the nurse and she checked her vitals as rahma stared at her

" you fainted habibty " bilal said as he chat in the chair beside her the n it's already left

rahma nodded " but I'm fine now can we go ? She said as she met his gaze

" the doctor decided to run s few tests on you but he said you're fine they're doing this make sure " bilal said

She nodded as she watched him pull out the banana from the plastic bag

He peeled it and gave it to her she took a bite and he sat in the bed with her ,He fed her the remaining fruits and then the nurse came in

"The doctor is asking to see both of you , you're being discharged" the nurse who was dressed in dark blue said

Bilal nodded and helped rahma off the bed

" how long was I unconscious? Habibi?" Rahma asked as she put on her shoes

" not long " he simply replied and they both got out of the room , they followed the nurse through a corridor and then she knocked on a wooden door and opened it

Bilal thanked the nurse and helped rahma sit on the plastic chair , he also took a seat and asked the doctor " is everything alright doctor ?"

The doctor who wore glasses and was a very handsome man rahma noticed he had a beard and he was a bit chubby but not very chubby

" everything fine we ran a few tests and everything seems normal expect for one thing " Dr harazimi said

"What is it ?" Bilal asked his heart beating profusely as he waited for the doctor to say something he was nervous already

Rahma on the other hand was calm because she had an idea what might be wrong wit her

" your wife is pregnant "


Pregnant the word rang in Bilal's head ,was he dreaming , is this doctor telling him the truth ?

" subhanallah " he muttered under his breath

" congratulations " Dr  harazumi said as he shook Bilal's hand

Bilal was shocked he put both his hands on his mouth he took a look at his wife who was tearing up she gave him a smile and squeezed his arms , Bilal squeezed her hands  tighter

" doctor is there anything else ?" Bilal asked him , he wanted to know if there was anymore suprise

"How far along is she ?"

" 9 weeks , I'll prescribe some medicine for the nausea and you'll have to be coming for regular check ups and then the antenatal, you'll have to take special care of your wife sir , anything can happen in this Stage , she need to pass her 3rd trimester perfectly , we don't want any complications " dr harazumi  said as he wrote on a pice of paper

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