Chapter 30~ hope

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Hey readers sorry for the long break I was ill and had lot of things to do


The rain poured heavily outside , the sound of thunder filled the room ,rahma was on her bed in a ball position as she stared at the window absent minded ,it has been 4 days since her newly born child was taking away from her ,she had not eaten or drank anything since then ,Bilal has been looking for thier lost baby since

The police found  a video tape in the surveillance room of the naming ceremony and surely a woman wearing a blue hijab went out with their baby she hid the baby and the security didn't notice

As expected Bilal fired all of them he went ballistic when he realized that the baby was really gone , they cried their hearts out that night in each others arms  and consoled each other

Bilal was currently at the police station and she was at her parents house

The door opened and her mother stepped in with a tray in her hands ,it contained a bowl of soup and fruits

She kept the tray on the bedside drawer and went around the bed to sit beside her daughter who had stopped talking since the kidnapping

"Baby kici abinci dan allah,I don't want you to fall ill "her mother said putting a hand on her lap

Rahma turned her head to look at her mother her eyes filled with unshed tears

She suddenly Burst in crying and put her head on her mother's lap

Her mother rubbed her head trying to console her when suddenly her phone began to ring she shot up from her position immediately and looked for her phone she found it under the pillow

She saw that it was an unknown number she hesitated before she answered it maybe it was Bilal

" hello" she said her voice sounding weird because she has not been talking

There was laughter from the other end

Rahma frowned and removed the phone from her ear so she could see the number again,she put the phone back

" who is this? "

"Listen to me carefully , I have your daughter and if you want her to live you must do as I say "

Rahma began to cry alerting her mother who was sitting quietly beside her

" what happened, why are you crying , menene?"

" if you continue to cry I'll end the call and you won't hear from me again " the voice said from the other end

Rahma closed her mouth with her hand to stop herself from crying

"No please don't hurt my baby , what do you want ?" Rahma said crying

Her mother gasped and listened

" I'll tell you what i want ,but firstly is your husband with you ?"

" no he's not , please just bring me back my baby I'll do anything please!" She begged

" I'll call in an hour your husband better be there " the male voice said and ended the call

Rahma laid her head on her mother's lap and cried some more

was this her qadr was she destined too live without her daughter ? Was she destined to live in pain , because she could not imagine her self without her daughter but she knew that Allah was the best planner and he surely has a plan


Later that night Bilal and rahma sat in the living room thier bodies entwined as Bilal rubbed rahma's arms and made small circles in her hands they were waiting for the kidnappers call , after Bilal came home rahma told him everything while crying ,

he tried to call the number and he even sent the number to the police to track it but there was still no luck so here they were waiting patiently for the kidnappers call ,

Bilal sighed as he thought about his child it was indeed painful for him but it was only half of what his wife was feeling, she of course carried her for 9 months and gave birth to her after hours of labor ,his fingers squeezed hers and kissed the top of her head she was indeed strong ,she has been very calm about the situation,  he hoped they find iman soon , because he has no idea how much more  rahma can endure

Rahma was fast asleep in Bilal's arm when the shrill sound of her phone rang startling her awake , Bilal was already running around looking for the phone he flipped the pillows and looked under the carpet and there he found the phone on the side table , he answered immediately

" hello ?" Hello!" He yelled the phone on his right ear , rahma was by his side her eyes wide with curiousity and fear

" yes is this Bilal ?"

" yes this is Him speaking don't you dare harm my daughter you will regret this when you do " Bilal said as his nose flared in anger and rahma weeper beside him

, " I don't have time for your empty threats I won't waste anytime I want 20 million in cash by the end of tomorrow.."

" are you crazy ? 20 million!! For a baby ?? ,if you are a Muslim where is your eman ? What will you say to god in the here after ?"

" shut up or i swear your baby will die right this minute "the voice said

" no please he is sorry , please don't hurt my baby I beg you " rahma said snatching the phone from Bilal's girl who was seething with anger his hands were balled in fists his chest heaved up and down

" 20 million by the end of tomorrow "

And with that the caller ended the call leaving a furious Bilal and a very sad rahma , she knelt on the ground and began to weep again Bilal kneeled beside her and held her tightly

" I promise you I'll get her back inshallah " Bilal said and kisssed his wife's head rahma just shook her head as she sobbed more into Bilal's shoulder

Billal wondered why the kidnapper decided to calll rahma and not him and what could be his reason ? , could it be a friend of hers or an enemy , Bilal thought hard but he couldn't remember if rahma had enemies or not , but his wife was way to sweet to have enemies he slowly removed her head from his Lap and made his way out the room he had a phone call to make .

Short chapter :(

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