Chapter 32 ~awful

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Bilal has been trying to pacify a crying rahma since they got into the car but she was just not having it after their little drama in the hospital,bilal called the police and the woman was taken away and she is currently in custody , he was on his way to drop rahama at samira's house he didn't want to leave her at home all by her self and she was ill too he  would've taken her to her parents house but they were not in the country,

He sighed and gripped the steering wheel tightly , the crying was irritating him

" dan Allah kimun shiru!" Bilal shouted startling her she looked at him surprised,he has never ever raised his voice at her she felt a new set of tears coming up ,she wiped her face and kept quiet she was now angry she wouldn't cry anymore

Bilal shut his eyes after he realized what he did ,he was already stressed out and he had not been able to get even 4 hours of sleep since the kidnapping he was tired and worried and her crying was not helping him

" I'm sorry ...I didn't mean to shout ,it's just that your crying is not helping and you're sick "

Rahma kept mum and looked out the window her hands were in fists but she didn't say anything she watched as Bilal packed in front of samira's house and without a word she got of the car and gently climbed up the stairs to the door

Bilal watched her as she made her way up the stairs , he knew she was angry so he took a deep breathe and left

He had to apologize later but now he had a woman to interrogate


"For the last time ,where is my child ?" Bilal asked as he stared at the woman right in her eyes ,he could tell that she was scared her eyes were pooled with unshed tears ,she was sitting on a chair in the interrogating room he watched the woman carefully she was shaking ,she refuses to say anything to the police he asked the same question every time but her answer was the same  I don't know

" who do you work for ?"


" who do you work for !" Bilal screamed making her tremble and Athena she began to cry

" I swear I do not know "  Bilal stared att the woman was she telling the truth or was she playing mind games with him ?

" All I know is that ,the man who asked me to do this gave me money to bring out the new born from the house ,but I swear I don't know him "

" and you just went in a got the child ? You didn't even think about the mother- Bilal stopped  and shook his head , you're also a woman surely you know how it feels to loose a child

The woman looked down on her hands she was clearly ashamed

" you are a selfish woman allah swt will punish you for what you did to me and my wife if I don't find my child be sure that you'll not get out of this place I'll make sure if it

She whimpered and began to cry some more

The police man beside him shouted at her to stop crying and the police continued to ask questions

" what we're you doing I'm the hospital ?

" I'm a cleaner there I work in Saturday's and sundays I was about to leave when I saw you she said looking up at Bilal sobbing and wiped her tears with the end of her hijab

" you are going to stay here until I find that man " bilal said giving her a cold glare and left the room with the inspector behind him , he went straight to the inspectors office and sat on the chair opposite the desk the inspector went around the desk and took a seat too

" I don't know what to do anymore " Bilal said rubbing his forehead  it was hard for him and this woman was not helping , he hoped that she knew about the baby and turns out she was just a pawn in the game

Where was his precious baby how was she ?


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