Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven; On Sight

Chapter Seven; On Sight

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14,399 likeslalaniyah @londoninthecity @toyajohnson @tamaranoai @drmelroseView all 130 comments

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lalaniyah @londoninthecity @toyajohnson @tamaranoai @drmelrose
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Laniyah is attending an event with London, Toya, Melrose, and Tamar and talked about the fight and what to do about the situation.

"I'm sorry, Tamar, I know that's your brother's fiancée and all but she done crossed the line. Laniyah, I don't even care about the whole situation but you need to teach this bitch not to try you," Toya said.

"Oh, girl, I was there and I felt Laniyah ain't do enough for me because Galina went below the belt. I will say that Galina is known to be a little jealous and I think her knowing that Laniyah's history with Joe is deeper than anyone expected. She may be jealous but I ain't defending Galina," Tamar said.

"I don't have anything to say, but it's on sight permanently when it comes to her," Laniyah said, taking a sip of her drink.

After that statement, the conversation shifted to London and Matthew. London frowned when she looked at the entrance of the venue.

"Tamar," London called out to get her attention.

"What?" Tamar asked.

London leans over to whisper to Tamar's ear.

"Isn't that your sisters and cousins with Galina at the entrance?" London asked her.

Tamar looked at the entrance and groaned.

Galina brought her sisters and Tamar's sisters with her. Tamar knew this was Galina's doing to get a rematch with Laniyah.

"Shit," Tamar said.

Galina spots Tamar and heads over to the area where Tamar is sitting.

"Hey girl!" Galina exclaimed as she looks around and gives Laniyah the side eye.

"Girl, fix your eyes," London said.

"She clearly doesn't know me too well!" Laniyah said out loud as she started getting angry at the fact that Galina was in her personal space.

"What are you doing here?" Tamar asked as she hops up and hugs Galina.

Galina looks Tamar up and done before snapping her fingers.

"You look good, Tamar," Galina replied instead of answering Tamar's question.

Tamar looked at her sisters and Galina's sisters.

"I hope y'all did not come here to start anything because these girls will go to jail and I ain't jumping in for anybody," Tamar warned them.

Laniyah glared at Galina. Laniyah is not the type who plays games like Galina was trying to do by pulling up to where Laniyah was like a stalker.

Laniyah was going to beat her ass and this time around she was going to make sure that Galina understood that she doesn't play games or go below the belt with people. She just beat them up.

"I know this bitch ain't think she can just walk up in here and not get touched," Laniyah said to London.

London nods.

"Whatever you want to do, I have your back," London told her sister.

"Let's get it cracking in this bitch," Laniyah said.

Laniyah finishes her drink and then throws the glass at Galina, hitting her on the side of the head.

"No!" Melrose screamed.

People start screaming as Laniyah pushes her way through the small crowd in-between her and Galina; so she can get to Galina.

This forces everyone else around them to try to stop things from becoming violent.

"Get her, Lala!" Toya screamed as she threw her drink at people trying to stop Laniyah.

"What's up!" Laniyah yells at Galina.

Laniyah swung her fist out and punched Galina in the face.

"Oh, hell no!" Galina screamed, stumbling and trying to push Laniyah away from her.

Galina hangs on to Laniyah's top and they both start grabbing each other's hair not letting go; Laniyah slams Galina to the ground and got on top of her and started to punch her in the face.

Galina was throwing punches and struggling to try to get out from under Laniyah.

Laniyah picked up broken glass and slashed Galina in the face. Galina screamed as blood dripped down her cheek.

"Fuck that bitch up!" London yelled as she pushed away anyone trying to stop the fight.

"Yeah, bitch! You're going to learn to leave my ass alone," Laniyah said as she tried to cut Galina again but ended up losing grip on the glass.

"London, you're not going to do anything," Vanessa said.

"No, don't say anything to me. Why would y'all show up here and think shit won't pop off," London said, getting irritated.

Galina started covering up her face and head as Laniyah punches her in the face.

"Damn," Tamar said.

Security stepped in and pulled Laniyah off of Galina revealing in her hand, pieces of Galina's hair.

Toya grabbed Laniyah as London pushed people out of their way. Tamar grabbed Laniyah's purse, ignoring her sisters' disapproving faces, and followed the girls out of the venue.

"Bitch you need to stop talking shit! I'm real-life crazy, dumb hoe!" Laniyah exclaimed.

"You were ripping her apart," Toya told Laniyah.

"You fucking did that," London told Laniyah.

Tamar nods in agreement with London.

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