Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine; Over It

"Come on, London, Laniyah. You still have two more heel elevated split squat sets left!" London and Laniyah's trainer, Shantel said as she stood in front of the girls.

"My ass is on fire!" Laniyah cried out as she finished her third heel elevated split squat set.

"Girl, come on," London encouraged her sister.

They did the two more heel elevated split squat sets before Shantel stopped them.

"See you guys next week," Shantel said, walking away.

"Bye," They both said.

They finished their workout and sat down for a minute. London brings up the lawsuit and asked how Laniyah was dealing with everything.

Laniyah started sniffling.

"I'm tired of trying to prove myself to people. For what? For you to still not understand me? Not like me? I don't fit in, and that's okay. Me having anger issues, and I don't need to be around people that bring that out of me. You know what I'm saying? Because I worked so hard..." Laniyah paused, tearing up.

"Don't cry, Lala," London said, pulling her sister into a hug. "Please don't cry," She added.

"I've worked so hard to change," Laniyah cried. "Fucking everything about me and what I've dealt with and all of that, so to be pulled back into that mindset and act like that, like...I don't—[sniffle] I'm tired of trying to prove myself to people and they keep on trying me, continually making me out to be like this crazy bitch and this mean person for not allowing them to disrespect me is crazy," Laniyah said.

London teared up. She hated seeing her baby sister upset like this. The last time Laniyah was in this head space was when she lost Rosalia, so London was worried about her and her mental health.

"I try so hard and I'm tired. I don't want to do it no more," Laniyah said.

"I get it," London said.

Laniyah sighed.

"I swear, I'll break up with Matthew and we won't have to deal with that family no more," London told her sister.

London is always going to put her family first and if that meant cutting ties with Matthew and Tamar to protect her sister then she will do it.

Laniyah shook her head and pulled away from her sister's embrace.

"Girl no, you love that man so don't do that. I'll just go away and take time for myself or something," Laniyah told her sister.

"You're my sister, and I'm always going to be on your side. You know how protective I am about you so I need you to be good because I'm a trained to go killer," London said.

Laniyah chuckled.

"London, I'm just going to do me and let God handle everything," Laniyah said.

They walked out of the gym.

The next day, Laken meets with Laniyah after she got a call from London worried about Laniyah.

Laken wanted to take all the drama off Laniyah's mind so she decided to bring her along to a Plastic Surgeon's office.

"I'm just gonna sit here. Don't mind me," Laniyah said as she sat down on a chair as her mother placed her purse on the table. "Are you nervous?" She asked her mother.

"I am scared to death," Laken answered.

"Why did you bring that big duffel bag with you?" Laniyah asked her mother.

"A change of clothes," Laken replied.

Laken is really into getting her body in tip-top shape. So, she's trying something different, which is why she's in a plastic surgeon's office to get liposuction.

"I'm ready," Laken announced to the nurse as she lifted her shirt and looked at her stomach through the mirror. "See? All that's gonna be gone," Laken told Laniyah.

Laniyah shook her head and smiled.

"You're crazy for doing this," Laniyah told her mom as the nurse walked in.

"Okay, let me have you sit down first, just check you," The nurse said, walking over to Laken and pulling down her pants' waistband. "Okay, let's pull this down so I can see the whole loveliness," She added.

Laken takes a seat as the nurse takes a peek at her stomach area. The nurse explains the procedure and what the machine will do to Laken's stomach.

Laniyah laughed as her mother asked if a fat area on her stomach was muscle.

"Why would you think that's muscle?" Laniyah asked Laken.

"Because I thought it was," Laken answered.

"Okay well, don't ever think that again," Laniyah told her mother.

Laken's mouth opened slack with surprise at Laniyah's words.

"I thought that was the beginning of my six pack. I'm so disappointed," Laken said.

The doctor walks in and starts the procedure.

Laniyah looks on as the doctor looks like he is repeatedly stabbing her mom with a machine.

Almost forty minutes later, Laken was in the recovery area, and she decided it was time to talk to Laniyah and see where her mind is at.

"Well, listen, I happened to talk to London. She told me about yesterday and how you had a breakdown at the gym," Laken told Laniyah.

"Really?" Laniyah asked.

"Of course, she's going to tell me everything, just like you tell me everything. I only have seven kids on this earth and I'll be damn if I can't do anything to protect you guys. You and your siblings are my whole world, Laniyah, and your father feels the same way so when London told me about how she is worried about your mental health because of the Joe situation. I was ready to drop a bomb on his ass but I wanted to talk to you and see where you are at with all of this," Laken said.

Laniyah grew up with not-so-normal but high-profile parents, who gave her and her siblings the world. She knows how her mother gets down when it comes to her kids. Laken would take on the world for her kids and Laniyah appreciated that but she did not want her mom to become hell-bent on destroying Joe and his family so she knew she had to figure out how to make this situation disappear.

"I'm over it, and I want everyone to be cordial because of London and Matthew. They are in love and should not be placed in a hostile situation where they have to pick a side," Laniyah said.

"It's not about picking sides. Your mental health is being affected. I don't want you to ever go back to that dark space you were in after you buried Rosalia. That drove me crazy as a mother not being able to do anything during that time, Laniyah. Galina has taken you to a place where you could have potentially killed her if you didn't have restraint, and I want to deal with her. You don't even have to be involved in anything. I'll handle everything," Laken told her daughter.

Laniyah shrugged.

"Do whatever you want, momma," Laniyah said.

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