Nothing Lasts for Forever

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It's true when people say "nothing lasts for forever". Because this time...I really fucked up.

A couple hours earlier.

After that certain night, Kieran didn't come back for a couple days and left me panicking about it. Practically losing my mind but when he came back he acted like it never happened. Of course I would love to know why he didn't address it but I was in no position to as. He didn't mention it and neither did I.

I finished cleaning up all of the dishes I used and the space I used when footsteps from upstairs started to make their way down. I pushed a few loose strands of hair behind and brushed my bangs out of my eyes. I hope he likes it. I never did something like this before. It was different but didn't feel wrong.
I turned around when the steps were approaching and was met with Kieran rubbing his eyes sleepily. Still in his pajamas that were a sight to see since he was always in a suit.

Kieran walked right past me as if he were still asleep, I chuckled to myself. Kieran stopped in his steps and turned around suspiciously but the minute he saw me the tensity in his shoulders dropped.

He let out a strong sigh, letting his eyes close, "Jesus,".

"Goodmorning," I greeted.

"Yeah, goodmorning," He said. I could hear his light snicker.

"I made breakfast," I said.

"Did you now?" He lifted a brow at me while we seated ourselves.

He took a few bites and I watched eagerly hoping it was to his liking.

"It's really good," he said.

"It is?" I sighed out.

"Mhm," he hummed, taking more bites, "I've never had someone else, besides a maid make me food,".

I scanned his face, watching his eyes soften as the memories fill his eyes. I'm not sure if they were good or bad but from the things he's told me about a maid, they were always sweet memories. I leaned my head trying to get a better angle of his face but he lifted his head. Meeting eyes with mine.

He smiled, "Thank you,".

My lips smiled softly, "You're welcome,".

We ate together and it was actually enjoyable. I'd catch him staring at me a few times but never actually make it obvious because I was too nervous and flustered just from his eyes. But, we both enjoyed it. That's what mattered.

The sun was beginning to rise and began to light the kitchen with a subtle golden-pink tint, making me sleepier than usual. It felt like I was being hugged by the sun.

Kieran let out a loud sigh and looked at his watch, "It's time for work,".

I chuckled at the restless face he made at the thought of going to work I stood up and grabbed both of our plates, setting them in the sink and went back for the other dishes.

"I can help," Kieran insisted.

"It's fine," I told him.

He raised an eyebrow at me and tried to shake me off.

I grabbed his arm, stopping him. "It's okay, you need to get ready,".

He sighed and rolled his eyes, finally giving in and handing me his cup. I took it along with the rest and started to clean up. I paused mid cleaning and watched Kieran walk away. Out of everything the sun touched in the room, Kieran looked the best in the golden tint. Flawless and angelic. My lips curled into a smile once he was out of sight.

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