The Main Event (Suriah)

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Shit. Shit. Shit.

My hands trembled uncontrollably, as did the rest of my body. I don't have any money. Yet, I'm still sitting in the back of the cab ready to jump out of the car the minute they drop me off at my apartment.
It's okay. I should have some cash somewhere in the house.

Still, I couldn't calm down. Nothing was reassuring me, not even the fact that I ran away from Kieran was helping. Somehow, it only made things worse. Why? Kieran has eyes everywhere and could be watching me this very second and I wouldn't know.
Trust no one.

My alerted eye searched frantically for anything suspicious but at the same time nothing was making sense. My eyes couldn't concentrate. So much adrenaline was pumping inside of me that my senses were completely out of it. I was basically falling apart by the second and if I didn't find someone in time to help me...I'd collapse.

The driver suddenly came to a stop. My eyes widened as I stared at the apartment building I missed for too many months.

"32.12" The driver said.

I snapped my head, staring at them waiting for my payment.

"Uh," I stuttered, "I-I have some cash u-upstairs. I'll be r-right back,".

The driver almost turned completely around as I hurriedly got out of the car. I didn't even shut the door. I ran out, nearly slipping, and dragged myself up the stairs of the building until I was faced with my apartment door.
I wiggled the knob. Shit, it's locked.

I brushed my hair away from my face and lifted the mat only for it to slip out of my fingers. Fuck! A trembling sigh slipped my mouth with burning tears forming in my eyes. He's watching. He's going to kill me. I finally lifted the mat all the way and snatched the spare key. I unlocked the door, feeling a presence get awfully close to me and slammed the door just in time before the suspense killed me.

I locked everything I could on the door as I panted heavily. Fuck. My heart hurts. I rested my head against the door and held the knob tightly, my heart ready to shatter into pieces. I turned around, with my eyes closed and let out a long needed sigh.

Suddenly, a hand clamped over my mouth. My eyes widened and my hands grabbed onto the arms of whoever was holding me against the door. I struggled violently against them, swinging my legs and banging them against the door. Doing anything I could do to get them off of me, then...our eyes met.

I stopped squirming. Instead, the tears that burned my eyes finally started to pour out of my eyes. My eyebrows furrowed together, unable to process the fact that Emanuel was the one holding me down.

Why is he here?

"Are you gonna stop making a fuss?" He asked, a sharp pain washing over his eyes.

My watery eyes looked away. Do I have a choice? I shut my eyes and nodded.

"Go sit down and stay quiet or else I'll make you quiet," He sternly ordered me.

Emanuel pulled his hand away and grabbed my arm, using it to roughly throw me towards the couch. I used my numb legs to wobble over and sit down slowly while his eyes were still glued on me. Tear after tear, they rushed down.
What is he doing? Why is he here? How'd he know I'd be here?

Too many questions flooded my head, clouding my thought process.

I lifted my head slowly and watched as Emanuel typed something into his phone.

The words barely came out of me, "What are you doing..?".

He stopped what he was doing. The grip he had on his phone tightened before he threw it on the table and ran a hand through his hair.

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