Chapter 14: Maximus

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With quiet steps, I neared the doorway. Peering into the room, I watched as Evelyn folded clothing and piled them into a suitcase. Upon further examination, I saw silent tears pouring down her face. Knocking on the door frame, I stepped into the room as her head shot up in my direction.

"Oh," she whispered. She wiped her tears with her sleeve. "Hi," she muttered with a half smile.

I kneeled before her, watching as she continued packing her belongings.

"Evelyn," I muttered.


"Ev," I said louder and more clearly this time, clasping her hand that had been reaching for a pile of folded shirts.

She turned her head and looked at me meekly.

"What, Max?"

"You know it's okay to not be okay right?" I asked searching her golden eyes. "You don't have to be okay."

"I-I know," she nodded as a few tears strayed down her face, "but I just..." her gaze held an air of expectation. As if she was waiting with trepidation for something to come. "I don't want to do this right now... talking. It's just a lot."

I nodded my head thoughtfully, pressing a kiss to her forehead. I wasn't going to press it now, but I could tell something deeper than moving was bothering her. When the time came, I would find out what it was.

Standing up, I left the room, leaving her to pack her bags in silence. Rounding the corner, I knocked into someone.

I heard a groan, "Ah, fudge."

"Oh gosh I'm sorry, Kayla," I apologized, recognizing my mate's friend.

"Don't worry about it," she smiled, waving her hand. She peered over my shoulder and down the hall before leaning in and whispering, "How is she doing?"

I shrugged, "Best she can be, given the circumstances." I paused, mulling something over as she started to walk past me. "Kayla-I don't want to screw up here. You're her best friend. Am-am I missing something? How bad is moving away for her?"

Kayla offered me a small grin, "She will be okay. She just needs time. And as for moving... just make sure she feels at home."

Home. My house was not a home. I didn't even know if I was capable of providing one. But, maybe with Evelyn there, it could be. In fact, I knew it would be. The dark memories that seemed to haunt me, might flee from the walls in her presence and be extinguished from existence.


"I-I'm ready."

I turned around in the kitchen and looked at Evelyn, who had Kayla standing next to her. She had four suitcases, all full of her most precious belongings. Even though I could have bought her an entirely new wardrobe, I insisted she brought every item that was precious to her. To force her to bring nothing, to start completely over, would have been a monstrous act.

"You be safe okay? Facetime me whenever you can! Oh, I love you so much Apaay, don't let me down. You continue to be your marvelous self okay?" Kayla asked as she wrapped her arms around Evelyn.

"I promise, I'll be okay," Evelyn smiled as she squeezed Kayla.

Pulling away, the two girls wordlessly expressed their love for one another. "I'm going to go okay, I just wanted to say goodbye," Kayla muttered, wiping her tears on her sleeve.

Evelyn nodded and watched as her friend left her home.

I moved to step forward and felt a firm calloused hand grip my shoulder. Turning around, I faced Alpha Smith. He reached for my hand in a shake, and I took it, noting the firm pressure he placed. Leaning forward, he whispered, "Take care of my daughter. Guard her with your life."

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