Chapter 29: Evelyn

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A rancid smell filled my nose and I flinched away from it. My body responded with a throbbing sensation pounding against my skull. All over, I seemed to be trembling, in a strangely weakened state. I tried to force my eyes open but found myself feeling oddly weak, as if I had run a marathon 5x over...

I tried again to open my eyes, the strain of that alone feeling like too much to bear.

Very weak.

My mind was black and I tried to think back to what had happened. Where could I be?

Suddenly, images of the night before flooded my mind. A panicked Maximus. Stairs. A man. Cloth. Help.

With all the force and might in my body I shot my eyes open, wide and panicked. I was laying on the floor of a grimy cell. It was covered in dirt and something that resembled human excrement. Looking down at my hands, they were bound in a silver chain that tore into my flesh and burned it leaving bloody wrist marks. I winced at each tiny movement I made which pulled against the chain.

"Maximus?" I mentally called.

A strange void seemed to answer me. As slowly as possible I lifted my hand to touch my temple, noticing there seemed to be a lack of my wolf. A lack of my connection to Max.

"Tsk tsk, trying to mindlink your mate I see," a man with a sadistic tone to his voice spoke. He stepped out from the shadows into the light, seemingly coming from nowhere. My eyes came into contact with his dead grey ones, eyes that I had seen the night before. This time they seemed to have a silver glint to them that reminded me of a dangerously sharp knife. This was not a man to be trifled with. And, I had no doubt of who he was.

"You won't be able to talk to your mate. The silver has weakened you as has the wolfsbane I've been injecting you with."

My eyes felt hollow as I looked at him through the bars, lacking light. I simply stared at the man in response, feeling too weak and parched to answer him. And in truth, I was unsure of what to say. But, I knew one thing. I knew it the moment my eyes landed on him. Peter wanted to see me beg.

He wanted to see a damsel in distress. He wanted me to be on my knees before him, and I refused to give him that privilege.

"Nothing to say?"

I didn't respond.

"You don't want to know why you are here?"

I didn't respond.

"Come on ask me," he paused, his gaze suddenly lingering on my exposed legs due to the fact I was in pajama shorts and a long sleeve shirt. His gaze traveled up the length of my body, desire clearly filling him, revolting me, "Ask me something."


"Okay?" he raised a brow, stepping towards the bars.

I stood up as well attempting to appear strong and not make the wolfsbanes effects noticeable. I dragged the chains against the floor careful not to step on them. Standing face to face with the man, I looked up at him, my shoulders squared and my face as fierce as I could muster.

"Why am I here, Peter?" his eyes told me I was right in my assumption of who he was, "To kill me? To weaken my mate?" I spat, "To bargain with him for our pack?"

A sly grin spread across his face and he leaned in, one hand coming through the bar to caress my face.

"Now, I wouldn't kill you, sweet Evelyn, no no you will lure in your mate so I can kill him."

Anger and fear surged in my chest and the calm composure I had mustered fell so fast it couldn't keep up with the fact I was taking a silver chain and winding it around Peter's hand.

EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now