Chapter 17: Evelyn

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My entire body shook.

Cold so cold.

Icy water engulfed my vision. My lungs burned in my chest as I gasped for air only for icy water to stab at my mouth.

I wanted to scream for help but couldn't.

I shot up in bed, gasping for air. The door of my room was thrown open as Max strode across. I started sobbing uncontrollably as he wrapped his arms around me and held me.

"A-air," I sobbed, "I-I need a-air."

I clawed at my throat, trying to will myself to breathe as I gasped. Max picked me up before sitting down, with me cradled in his lap. He gently rocked us as I sobbed and gasped.

"Shh Evelyn, shh. It's okay. It's okay," he paused and then moved hair out of my face, "Okay look at me Evelyn, look at me."

His hand cradling my face, I listened and looked at him despite my erratic heart rate and tear-filled vision.

"Breathe in with me. Breathe in four seconds through your nose. Ready?" he asked motioning to himself.

I shakily nodded, slowly breathing in through my nose with him.

"Now we are going to hold for seven seconds. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven," he counted as we held our breath. I fought the urge to gasp in air.

"Now release for eight seconds through your mouth."

Slowly we both exhaled, the shakiness in my throat diminishing.

"Again," he whispered.

Step by step, he did it with me again, then a third time, and finally a fourth time. By the end, the desperate need for air had subsided and my mind felt calm and at ease.

"See," he whispered, arms wrapped tightly around me as he rocked me, "Your okay. Your okay, Evelyn."

I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest, nodding.

He continued to rock me back and fourth, humming a soft tune that sounded familiar. Like a whisper of a memory filling my ears. But, as soon as the familiarity had filled me and I searched my mind he had switched the tune.

"Okay, Evelyn," he whispered, "I'm going to go now."

He began to release me and lay me down. The second he let go, and we lost contact, the warm feeling of energy exchanging flowing between us left and panic filled me.

"N-no, no please don't leave," I gasped, reaching out.

"Woah- woah, shh, shh it's okay," he whispered, laying beside me and wrapping me into his arms. "I won't go anywhere, okay? I'll be right here I promise."

In the dark room, I nodded my head, feeling safe in the comfort of his strong arms. They caged me and made me feel secure, like my personal fortress of protection.

Nodding off to sleep, I couldn't help but think:

I love this...

I love him.

I grinned at the realization.


The following morning, Max and I sat down for breakfast. He made eggs and toast, and had conceded to allow me to cut up some fruit after a little arguing.

"Evelyn," Max began.

I looked up at him from my plate of food.

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