Chapter 13

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Damien furiously tossed his phone to the passenger seat, hissing loudly as he turned on the ignition and started his car.

He had no care in the world that the wind was ruffling his hair, which he hadn't even bothered to style today.

He was so angry, the fury in him increasing every second and as he stepped on the gas, driving at high speed, his mind wandered away to the various issues bothering him.

It was as though everything happening today was meant to frustrate him and make him furious. First, one of the maids had prepared a different coffee than the one he usually took, giving him a ten-minute allergic reaction, where he had to go to the toilet at intervals before coming to work. Next, there was no signal on his laptop back at home, and he had a project to finish, and this was why he was heading to the office this early to do it on his computer there.

His car safe in the parking lot, he stood at the entrance of his large company, his mind miles away from the present. Sighing deeply, he began to make his way into the building, but then he froze in his feets, as the screeching sound of a car coming to a halt caught his attention, behind him and made him look back.

When he sighted Alvarez coming out of the car after making sure the doors were locked, Damien instantly clenched his fists, as he quickly remembered the news the guard had brought to him previously.

The pictures...Alvarez and Madison... Alvarez arms around her as they walked to his car and...

Oh shit!

His rage grew as he watched Alvarez walk towards him, a smile on his face. And he couldn't help but feel betrayed.

What freaking audacity!

Why would his so-called best friend do something like this to him? Going behind his back, and so something he definitely wouldn't support?

Damien watched as Alvarez raised his hand in a wave of greeting at him, but he did not return it.

"Good morning." Alvarez greeted when he finally got to where Damien was standing,  "Wow, you're here early. What's the emergency?" He laughed adding still not spotting the cold stoic look Damien was giving him.

"Why did you betray me?" Damien asked, his voice cold.

"What are you talking abo—"

"Madison!" Damien hissed, rage boiling through him.

He hadn't wanted to say her name in the first place, but now he did it made him angrier than he initially was, and he made a step forward as he half yelled out the words, "Oh, don't even look like you have no idea what I'm talking about. You've been talking to her since the night of the party, haven't you? Even after everything I said... everything that went on. You knew everything that went on between the Connors and I, but you still went behind my back to see her, and talk to her! You even went to the extent of taking her to your house! You gave her comfort and shelter? What the fuck!"

Alvarez's eyes widened as he staggered back in shock.

For a second he did nothing but stare at Damien in shock. Obviously he hadn't expected Damien to know, and the stark realization hurt but Damien kept his cool staring back at him defiantly.

When it seemed like he had finally recovered from his shock, Alvarez faced him and asked shocked, " do you know about that? You...followed me? Or better still, you had me followed? You sent your security after me?"

Damien hissed, "What does it matter?" He spoke through gritted teeth, "How I found out about it does not matter. Besides your pictures with her in front of that dingy motel is all over the fucking media too! Can't you see the media is having a field day, turning the whole to a circus, and now you are in it. They are digging deep into this case, and smearing my freaking name, but I'm not even bothered about that..." Pausing, he cleared his throat and continued, "Why would you do that? What's your thing with Madison? What are you still doing with that stuck up betrayer? You're supposed to be my best friend for goodness sake and..."

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