Chapter 61

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Madison had never walked to work as fast as she did that morning.

After a long week, it was finally the last day of the month, and also payday for her.

She was so excited for all the things she would finally be able to get, and internally she had promised to treat herself to something really lavish when she finally got paid.

Maybe a baked strawberry iced cake would do some good to her sweet greedy tooth, or some chocolate chip cookies. She didn't remember the last time she'd had those treats, and she certainly deserved it as she had been working so hard.

She smiled as she cornered into the street that would lead to her workplace.

The fact that she felt excited seemed strange to her suddenly, as Madison noted to herself that she couldn't describe exactly how she felt right now.

She'd had such a shitty month, so it was nice to have something to look forward to, but even then whenever she recalled the threats lingering at her neck, her excitement died down instant.

Discarding those thoughts sneaking into her head, Madison decided to run the rest of the way to the bakery so she wouldn't be late.

Sooner than she expected, she arrived at the bakery and rushing inside she quickly put on her apron, tying the belts speedily.

Today would be the worst day to be late for work, and she wouldn't let anything put that long awaited pay in jeopardy, because even the slightest delay or mistake could cost her and she just couldn't afford it.

The whole of the day, Madison concentrated on work.

She was more careful and efficient than she usually was, and sometimes she got too excited again that even at lunch she didn't eat much of the snack she'd gotten.

Her stomach kept grunting hungrily in disapproval, wanting more but she didn't care at all.

Finally, the day ran by speedily and work came to an end.

Slipping off her apron, she began to prepare to leave, not wanting it to seem obvious that she was waiting for the pay, but deep inside she really was waiting for her superior or manager to call her over and hand her the freaking money.

After some minutes she began to lose hope of getting the pay today as there was no signal, but then as the employees began to pick up their bags and purses, a rather odd bell rang signaling them to stop.

The manager of the large bakery walked in, and the first thing Madison noted in his hands were envelopes, and her heart soared to the ceilings. She stood, her fingers nervously clutching at her purse as she waited for him to get to her turn.

Realizing that the names of the employees were written at the back, she stood patiently knowing that eventually she would get her own enveloped wage.

She sighted her friend Gina standing all the way across the hall, and when their eyes met, she waved excitedly at her.

Madison only smiled and faced the manager once more, not wanting to loose any sight of him. She was more than glad that they were paid in cash and not cheques or withdrawal slips, as it would be easier for her that way, and she wouldn't even have to stress herself at all.


For a moment Madison did not realize that she had been called, but when her surname was repeated again, she quickly rushed up to the manager to collect hers.

Her hands trembling, the feel of the envelope felt so unreal that it nearly brought tears to her eyes, but she blinked it away. This was the time to be happy and not sad, so she had to chill.

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