Chapter 16

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"You're sure I'm not underdressed, babe?" Katherine asked for the tenth time since she left Damien's house that evening, staring up at him with a pout on her face.

She had been worrying nonstop about looking too basic the entire day, and so far as Damien could count, she had already changed three times tonight; twice when he was already dressed and ready, waiting for her makeup artist to finish working on her face and fixing her hair, then the third time when they had driven a short distance from the house.

Something was wrong with the dress, so she had said and she had made him drive back to the house after pleading incessantly.

Though he was irritated and a bit annoyed, he had agreed, taking her back home and waiting for her to change.

The last time though, when she asked about her outfit again in his car, he had simply ignored her, to avoid saying something the both of them would regret.

Now, they stood outside his mother's large house, and she had just pressed the doorbell when she asked about her dress once more.

Taking a moment to breathe, and building up all the patience he needed for dealing with her tonight, he spat out, trying his hardest to keep his sanity intact, "It's a family dinner Katherine, not the fucking Met Gala."

It was evident by the look she gave him, that she was already offended, but as she parted her lips to say something, the door swung open to Damien's relief, and someone approached him.

He resisted the urge to abandon her at the front door, and instead choosing the easy way out, he begrudgingly intertwined his arm in hers, and walked inside the comfy house.

The first person he saw was his little sister, Layla and grinning widely he said, "Hey, Layla. Look at you, growing taller by the day. You change every time I see you." He teased, leaning in for a hug she gladly returned.

When they had chatted for a while, Katherine joined in their discussion, feigning a small laughter even though she wasn't involved in the conversation.

"Hi, Lila. Nice to see you again."

If Layla was pissed by the interruption, she tried her hardest not to show it and smiling up at Kathrine as if she had just noticed her, she spoke, "Same here. Meanwhile it's Layla and not Lila."

Without waiting for Katherine to respond, she walked away, grabbing ahold of her elder brother's arm and pulling him toward the table, chatting away, "Mom will be out soon, she's just getting ready. She's been busy all day making all of your favorites."

Damien couldn't help but smile at the memory of when his mother used to make his favorite foods, and lavish him with so much delicacies whenever he came back from working at the mechanic shop.

Back then, the only difference was that they had been unable to afford all they needed and she had to make due with the little she had.

However, she would always scrape up the little she could afford and prepare half a decent meal, for the whole lot of them and it had always been enough for him.


When the woman he was currently thinking of made her entrance into the dining room, a wide smile on her face, his face breaking into a grin, and he stood up from the chair immediately.

Getting up to meet her halfway, he enveloped her in a tight hug, inhaling her motherly scent and basking in her warm embrace as he greeted, "Hola mother, it's so nice to see you."

Kissing both his cheeks, and whirling him around she said, "So nice to see you to son. You look dashing, like always."

Damien heard his sister groan, after his mother made that statement as she blurted out, "Mom, no one says dashing anymore."

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