Deals and Bets

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This chapter is dedicated to my Wattpad bestie, avaloncateinarbour : )

"Mason, I don't know, I mean you're Mason and I'm well...Carly." I murmured.

Mason chuckled, "Yes Carly I think I can establish that bit."

Taking in a deep breath I said, "No what I mean is that you're Mason Clarke, the popular, hotshot guy that plays football, that has the entire schools girl population drooling over you when you just as much as smile, you're like the king of the school."

"Carly I asked if we can be friends again not to describe each other, but if you want to play that game we can."

"Hmm now let's see, you're a little boring, definitely a nerd, you have terrible fashion sense apart from today, the dress you're wearing isn't all that bad oh and you wear the most hideous glasses."

I glared at him, "And you expect me to consider being your friend when you think so highly of me?"

Mason just smirked and shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes and attempted walking away but was stopped by strongly built Mason, holding my arm. "Can you tell me what's so wrong in being friends again? We were as kids so what's the big problem now?"

"The problem is that you and I have grown up, we're no longer ten years old where social ladders and crazy teenage hormones existed, I wasn't so caught up in a rather hectic life and you weren't a womanizing jerk!" I said a little too harsh and loud.

Mason let go of my arm and put his hands up, backing away, "Okay, I won't force you into anything. All I wanted was my old friend back, but I guess times have changed and with that so have you Carly, you were so laid back and chilled out before, things like social ladders and others opinions didn't bother you. But whatever makes you happy Edwards."

Mason turned to walk away; great his words pulled the guilt trigger in my sub-conscience. It's not that I didn't want to rekindle my old friendship with Mason, I was just confused because I knew it was going to create quite a spectacle if I pitch at school and suddenly Mason and I who were enemies not too long ago are now best friends, this news was bound to bring about attention and attention was something I didn't want or need.

"Mason, wait." Before I could register my thoughts the words came out of my mouth.

Mason stopped and with a bored expression he asked quite arrogantly too, "What now? You got more harsh words to say to this womanizing jerk?"

"No, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so mean, I didn't intend on being so rude, it's not my style."

"Why did you call again?" he asked looking slightly irritable ignoring my apology.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, am I really up to accepting his hand in friendship? Looking at his arrogant face didn't convince me. "Yes, yes I'd like to be friends again Mason."

Mason looked at me a little surprised then he smirked, "What makes you say I'll accept it after the long seminar you preached a few minutes ago?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Whatever Mason, the choice is yours, at least I won't die of guilt thinking I didn't rekindle our old friendship after you asked so nicely."

Mason definitely had some kind of split personality, one minute he was sweet, the next cocky and arrogant.

Mason laughed again, "I forgot to add another trait; you take things too seriously."

Me? Take things too seriously? Psh, he's obviously crazy, I actually had a good sense of humour, well at least I thought so.

"So what say buddy? Let's head on downstairs, we wouldn't want our mothers thinking we can't control our raging young hormones and I can guarantee your mother would be thinking you can't control yourself around your long-lost once nerd now sexy friend." Mason winked casually draping an arm over my shoulder, why did I think I already regretted agreeing to this friendship?

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