This Was Meant To Be

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Dedicated to AFearlessDayDreamer for the awesome banner --->

'My answer will be right in front me when I open my eyes.' I mentally told myself and gathered all the strength to open them. I slowly opened one lid after the other and when they were fully open I looked up into a pair of very familiar eyes looking down at me with utter relief.

I blinked once and knew that my answer was now clearly evident in front of me.

I blinked again and did my best to open my eyes wider, I could subtly feel the upper left side of my body to be in pain but that was the last thing on my mind at the moment, all I could concentrate on was the pair of eyes looking down at me.

"Mm..." I murmured my voice dry and gruff. I cleared my throat and attempted speaking more clearly. "Damien?"

Relief washed over Damien's features and he tightened his hold on my hand before bringing it to his lips. "God Carly, do you have any idea how much you've scared me?"

A small frown formed on my forehead. "Damien?" I asked again.

The smile Damien wore a minute ago dropped by a fraction. "Yes Carly, it's me Damien, you do recognize me right?"

Grandpa Mitch's words played again in my head and I realized that I'd made the correct decision choosing to stay with Damien after all; he was the one for me.

I half nodded and attempted sitting up but apart from my left arm being absolutely stiff, a sharp pain ran through the entire shoulder area. "Ah." I breathed.

Damien gently held me by my shoulders, stopping me from moving. "Easy, your wounds are still fresh. Sit still, while I go call the nurse."

"Damien, I-" I began as he walked towards the door.

"We can talk another time, for now I think the doctor would want to see you." he said and after I nodded with a sigh he flashed me a grin and exited the room.

I groggily watched as he left the room, so he was the one huh? I was glad, no I was happy, I was very happy. He does love me after all and we are going to be married soon, so I should be very happy that I saw him as soon as I opened my eyes right? After all Gramps and Grandpa Mitch wanted this for me too.

After I'd woken up and Damien had left, I was left alone in my room for the next three hours. The doctor and nurse came in to check up on me and they were pleased to say that my condition was improving steadily and that all my vitals looked good.

I, on the other hand didn't feel as good as the tests showed, I knew there was no major damage done to me but having my left arm immobile in a cast and a strong discomfort every time I overly exerted pressure or tried to move my arm didn't leave me in a very good mood.

I was currently sitting on the hospital bed reading through my file, seeing that I was unconscious for thirty six hours and underwent surgery because of the damage the bullet caused throughout my left shoulder. I was lucky that I wasn't shot in the chest or there would have been more damage done and I could've died. I had some broken ligaments and torn tissues - which is why there was so much of pain - but I would live.

I looked up from the file when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I called and watched as the door slowly opened.

Nicole took slow steps after shutting the door. "Hey," she grinned, "How are you feeling?"

I put down the file and answered, "I've been better but I'm doing alright, thanks."

"I swear I'll be going grey before my time because of you." Nicole said. "Do you have any idea how worried all of us have been?"

His Playboy Waysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें