A Fresh Start

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"Wake up Carly; you've been asleep for far too long now." I faintly heard a masculine voice speak softly.

My body seemed to respond to the voice and it felt like it was the first time I heard a voice in ages, my mind was a blank and I tried to think but it hurt every time I did so I decided to remain as I was but hearing a voice created some sort of movement in me, I wanted to respond to the voice, I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't.

"Sir, you are going to have to leave, it's almost time for her sponge-bath." Another unfamiliar, female voice spoke.

No, I thought. I didn't want this person to go, I had a feeling that if he stayed I would be able to open my eyes and I wanted to open my eyes so badly but it was impossible, I was in too much of pain and I felt far too weak to lift my lids. But this familiar voice had an effect on me, I was responding and I knew if I heard more of this person's voice I would find the strength to wake up.

"Alright." The voice spoke in the same soft tone.

I felt something warm over my motionless hand and I figured it was the person's hand; I wanted to move a finger or something to show that I could hear him but again I couldn't. He gave my hand a squeeze and I realized then that not only his voice but his touch felt so familiar too, I wondered who he was.

"Get well soon Carly." he whispered and I felt something warmer, softer and plumper on my forehead. He must've been kissing my forehead.

I could still feel his hand on mine and I was doing all I could to move even my pinkie, I needed someone to see that I could hear and feel them around me, I needed to reassure my loved ones that I was getting better, that I wasn't planning on leaving just as yet. All I needed was a little motivation and this person seemed to be just that.

"Sir." The female's voice sounded sterner. "You have to leave, please."

Ugh, shut up woman, I thought. I didn't want this 'sir' to leave but this woman was insisting.

"Yes." He whispered and I felt the warmness of his hand over mine disappear.

'No, don't leave just yet, please stay even for five more minutes. I need you here so I can open my eyes.' I mentally shouted but I knew it was futile as no words left my mouth.

I was putting in all I could to just move something, to show some sign that I wanted him here with me; I tried and tried so he could see before he left.

And with what felt like eons of hard labour work I managed to move my index finger by maybe half an inch before it collapsed again. But before I could get happy I heard the shutting of a door and I knew that my visitor had left, all my efforts were in vain and I knew he didn't see anything.

I was disappointed but moreover exhausted, I felt as if I'd run a hundred mile marathon and all I needed was a good night's sleep and sleeping is what I did, I let myself get swallowed by the darkness, shutting off all my conscious surroundings.


It felt as if I've been asleep for eons when my mind was conscious again, I wanted to wake up so badly but it felt like something strong was holding me back, but somehow today I felt stronger than I previously did, I felt like I could make myself wake up, I knew I had to, I wanted to see daylight so badly again and I would use every ounce of my power and strength to do so.

I allowed my ears to take in any surrounding sounds but I heard nothing other than a steady beeping. My body temperature seemed to be normal, I wasn't cold or too warm, I was quite comfortable but I could feel someone's breath steadily fanning over my palm. I wondered who was with me so with all the might I could muster I attempted moving my hand to only fail.

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