eating late at night

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late at night, Kauji feels hungry, despite being a dragon, Kauji likes to create his own need to eat, Silver Dragon sighed, he started out of the room and into the kitchen.

The bright kitchen made Kauji feel overwhelmed, although he is a clean person, this kitchen can blind him, the silver dragon goes to the storage of cooking ingredients, where there are still fresh ingredients. . BUT! The big problem here is....

'I am a very beautiful silver dragon, I am strong and ready to fight other dragons, I am more than 500 years old by now... BUT! I! Do not know! cooking!'

Kauji is definitely not because he's incompetent but because he's a high level being, that's for sure! The dragons are too strong that they won't know how to cook.

'I'm a nothing can bother me'

Kauji squinted at the food stall, confident enough that Kauji set out to destroy the beautiful kitchen...

Inside that room, Cale was sleeping soundly with his kids, Raon, On, and Hong, all curled up sleeping beside him.

Cale's beautiful eyes opened slightly, he blinked, Cale was sleeping soundly but a strange scent woke him up, he gently stood up to avoid waking the children. he got out of bed and covered the three children with a blanket.

'I have a feeling something is on fire??' Cale frowned, he had a bad feeling coming out of the kitchen and Cale wondered on a night like this, who would touch the kitchen?

'I think Beacrox is going crazy' he doesn't want it to be Choi Han, otherwise things will only get worse...

But Cale was wrong... perhaps Choi Han himself would make better use of the kitchen than he was seeing....

In front of Cale was a sight that left him speechless, Kauji, the silver dragon standing in the middle of the kitchen with flames burning inside the pot... all he could say was a disaster.

Cooking ingredients strewn everywhere, Utensils covered with a strange black liquid, .. possibly from the food that Kauji was cooking, Kauji stood there, glaring at the flames that burned even stronger. silver hair was also slightly burned.

"C-Cale..." Kauji turned around, he looked at Cale with eyes begging for help.

Cale stood there, he felt tired, Cale shouldn't have woken up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen, he should have just slept until morning.

'I'm in trouble' Cale was really awkward, he just wanted to turn his head back to the bed and sleep, but the dragon's pale purple eyes wouldn't allow him to do so..

Cale sighed, he walked closer to the kitchen and started to put out the fire, he turned his tired gaze towards Kauji.

"Kauji-nim, why are you in the kitchen at night?"

"ugh...i..i suddenly want to eat dinner" Kauji smiled shyly, he turned his gaze towards Cale.

"...Goodbye" Cale said as he turned his head with the intention of leaving the kitchen but he immediately felt an arm wrap around his waist, Cale turned his head to look back.

Kauji was hugging his waist, making a pitiful expression, resting his chin on Cale's head as he whispered pitifully.

"Kid, I can't leave you like this"

Cale raised his hand to rub the bridge of his nose, he felt extremely tired, but in the end Cale had to give in to Kauji's pitiful expression.

Kauji chuckled when he saw Cale start to clean the kitchen and cook for him, Cale's figure was really beautiful, especially when Cale was busy doing something, seriousness exuded from him. can attract anyone.

Cale had decided to cook porridge, it was still late at night and he didn't intend to cook anything too cumbersome, he reached out to cut vegetables and put them in the porridge, and started to prepare some meat. chicken and put in the pot.

At Cale's sculptural movements, Kauji could only gasp, he wondered how a rich young man like Cale could cook so easily? He was really surprised a lot, but the smell of porridge made Kauji gulp, his stomach rumbling with desire.

"Cale, you are so talented" Kauji started to flatter him, but Cale just snorted, he scooped up the porridge and placed it on the table. Kauji smiled happily. He scooped each spoonful of porridge into his mouth. The taste and tenderness of the chicken made Kauji extremely satisfied.

"How can you cook so well~"

At the silver dragon's praises, Cale just shrugged his shoulders. Just as he was about to bring a spoonful of porridge to his mouth, a soft sound came from the kitchen door.

"Human!! Why are you eating without me?"

"It smells so good Meow!"

"I want to eat Meow Meow too!"

"It's late, don't eat so late" Kauji sighed as he looked at the children.

"But Silver Dragon! You're eating too"

"Cough cough" Kauji pretended to cough. he really can't justify his night eating.

"Make sure you brush your teeth after eating"

After hearing what Cale said, the children immediately nodded obediently.

Cale was satisfied, he started shoveling some porridge for the children.

The late-night kitchen was filled with laughter.

Due to staying up late, Cale and the kids got up later than usual so none of them knew what was going on.

Beacrox was dumbfounded as he looked at his kitchen. According to his memory, the kitchen last night was still extremely clean. This morning while preparing breakfast as usual, he saw a horrible scene.

Some of the pots were broken, containing a black liquid inside that disgusted Beacrox, and the dishes were neatly placed in the sink. but the leftovers were strewn all over the floor, Beacrox clenched her fists, her body began to tremble.

'....' Kauji also just woke up, he was about to ask Beacrox about breakfast, but the sight of Beacrox dumbfounded at the kitchen door made him go back to bed and sleep like he didn't know what was going on.

'I don't know anything, I'm innocent' Kauji kept repeating those words over and over in his head.

Beacrox put on his gloves, thinking of someone who could make a mess in his kitchen like this, Beacrox grabbed his greatsword. The murderous aura emanating from Beacrox made the silver dragon watching from the side flinch.

"Choi Han..." Beacrox hissed, he started walking to the training ground to find 'someone'...

'I'm sorry, Choi Han, I'm sorry!!' Kauji felt guilty but he still went to his bedroom to avoid guilt.

Choi Han could be in trouble. Why does Beacrox come to the place where he is training and want to kill him???


i posted this on Ao3 a long time ago...i was just trying to be nice and wanted to say i'm trying to type every word for the next chapter in a thousand years :D

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