Chapter Two

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"So, where are you from, (Y/n)?"

Gwen asks you as you drink from the bottle of water Kevin bought for you.

The trio stares at you curiously, waiting for your reply to the question, which made you more nervous and feel like you are under pressure.

Maybe if Gwen was a girl, this would have made it easier for you to converse and open up.

But no, she is a boy...a hot beautiful boy.

Honestly, you don't understand what is going on.

And you are extremely worried about your young niece that you were babysitting.

"I'm new, I just moved here" you reply with a slight smile, trying not to seem uneasy.

Well, that's not a lie, you are 'new' here, you have fallen into this...universe, therefore it is considered to be moving here.

"Cool, do you have a boyfriend?" 

Gwen elbows Ben for his question while Kevin rolls his eyes.


"What? That's a normal question, I'm just curious, nothing else" you chuckle at his explanation.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend"

When Ben was about to open his mouth, you continue your sentence.

"Nor do I plan on having a boyfriend for a long time"

"Oh man"

Ben closes his mouth, with a disappointed expression on his face.

"I can change your mind, sweetheart" Kevin flirts confidently.

"I doubt that you can attract any girl with that IQ of yours, Kevin"

Gwen insults with a smirk on his face causing Kevin to frown.

"Damn, that's brutal" you tease him.

Suddenly, loud crushing comes from the table across from yours.

It's a monster attacking people, just your luck.

"Well, I'm going to the restroom, real quick, so excuse me...GWEN, KEVIN PROTECT (Y/N)"

You watch Ben rush away from the sight, probably to go use the Ultimatrix.

"Come on, let's get you away from danger" Gwen grabs you by the wrist to get you away from the alien.

You follow behind him and Kevin only to get stopped.

The weird-looking Alien drags you towards it by using its long tentacles.

You cringe and try to get away from it as much as possible, but all your tries failed.

"Let go of her!"

Suddenly, the alien holding you is burned right in front of your eyes forcing the creature to let go of your body.

But before your body could fall on the harsh ground, Kevin manages to catch you.

You stare at Swampfire as he stands proudly in front of the burning creature as it turns into complete ashes.

Ok, this scene is so brutal for you for some reason.

Plus, Ben or Swampfire looks so realistically creepy.

"Are you ok, (Y/n)?" Gwen asks, parting your hair to comfort you.

While Kevin just holds you protectively in his arms.

All the people escaped leaving all four of you alone.

"Yes, I just feel like Ben looks so...strange," you say starting at Swampfire/Ben as he stares back at you in shock.

"How did you know that this is Ben?" Kevin inquiries, causing you to raise an eyebrow.

"The bathroom excuse is an old superhero excuse to hide his identity" you reply.

Ben chuckles nervously, transforming back to himself.

"You are a smart one"

"I will go destroy the security cameras, don't want anyone seeing anything"

With that, Kevin leaves you alone with the Tennyson cousins.

Gwen felt threatened and his once comforting hand turns into a threatful one as it generates purple magic energy after uttering a spell.

"If you tell anyone about this, I will punish you, understood?"

"Yes, you have to keep that a secret or I will have to use the ultimatrix on you" Ben asserts sternly.

"Understood?" Gwen repeats glaring at you.

You nod at them quickly.

"Yes, I understand"

Those two are not the lovable characters you remember from your childhood.

They are much more dangerous and dark.

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