Chapter Nine

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"Are you alright?"

You ask Oleg, sitting beside him on the couch, as he cries.

"Yes, umm ... something just got in my eyes" he quickly wipes his tears away.

"It's ok to cry, men can cry too, there's no shame in it"

Oleg bursts into tears, letting his sadness finally show, while you place an arm around his shoulders trying to comfort him.

"My fiancee lied to me, it turns out that she is married to another man"

You remember seeing that episode where Helga threatened Olga's fiance about exposing his unloyality if he doesn't leave her sister.

"At least you found out before you got married, see it as a blessing that you escaped a toxic relationship"

The blond man looks at you, realizing that you are right.

"Maybe it's a blessing...she must have lied about other things too"

"See, she would have made your life miserable, now you are free, and life is ahead of you to find a new partner who treasures you"

"You are right"

This is the first time you comfort someone in this way and it works.

Oleg pulls you into a hug.

Before pulling away, and looking at you with genuine gratitude.

"Thank you for letting me get this off my chest," he says. "No one else would listen to me like this."

An awkward silence fills the air afterwards, not knowing what else to say.

In spite of his recent heartbreak, he can't help but notice your compassion and kindness.

A small smile playing on his lips, as he leans towards you slowly, ready to place his lips against yours.

However his lips doesn't get to touch yours as Henry jumps in between you and his older brother on the couch.

"What do you think you are doing? she is my age which means she is way younger than you! That is creepy"

Oleg was startled by his little brother's sudden intrusion.

He felt guilty about the sudden desire to kiss the young beautiful woman, even if you are a legal adult.

Meanwhile, you are kind of disappointed that your chance to kiss the hottest character in cartoon history has been interrupted.

"It's also creepy to have a shrine in your closet dedicated to (Y/n) did you even get those photos, it has been only two days"

Arnold points out after entering the living room, he looks at you, signing with his eyes that you both need to leave now.

"Well, I have to go now"

You annouce standing up and starting to walk away from the couch, yet Henry grabs your wrist to try and stop you.

When his skin touches yours, you disappear from sight.

Leaving everyone shocked.

"What just happened?" Oleg states in disbelief.

"She was speaking the truth" Arnold says.

Henry turns towards his classmate, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"This is all your fault football head, bring her back!"

A/n: can you guess the next cartoon i will be adding? 😌

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