Chapter 4

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Loud music blasted throughout the building as people danced, drank, and made out. It didn't matter what you were doing as long as you were having fun.

Ophelia jumped up and down, fist pumping. Chloe stood at the bar, with a cup of Sangria in her hand, smiling at Ophelia. Moments like this were precious to Chloe. She knew how it was for Ophelia back at home. High standards were expected to be met, manipulation, disrespect, and pure jealousy.

But here, she could be whoever she wanted to be and not have a care in the world. Her cherry colored lips touched the rim of the plastic cup as fluid flowed its way into her mouth.

Ophelia heard a grunt as she bumped into someone. "Watch it, punk!" He growled. His blue eyes stared at her intensely, she could've sworn that she saw sparks in his eyes jumping around.

"Sorry, I didn't see you." She felt herself shrink under his cold glare. If looks could kill then she'd be dead by now. He only scoffed and rolled his eyes before muttering something: "Jackass."

Though muttered, Ophelia heard it clearly. Before he could walk away, she gripped his shoulder and made him face her with all the strength she had.

"Mind repeating that because if my ears are deceiving me but it sounded like you called me a''Jackass". " She said. "Are you a deaf too? I called you a "jackass"." He retorted, facing her fully.

Waving her finger in his face with a hand on her hip, Ophelia snapped at him.

"Listen here, asshole! First of all, I didn't see you. And second, I apologized to you but what you are not going to do is insult me then walk away. I don't know who you are and I don't give a fuck," she stepped closer enough to the point they were chest to chest, "but if you ever call me that again we're gonna have problems. Understood?"

A smile crept on his face. A fearless and cocky one. She felt his warm breath on her face as he inched dangerously close to her face. Hints of blueberry could be smelled coming from his breath.

Usually it'd be mint but no; it was blueberry. It had a sweet and delicious smell. "Whatever you say, princess." He whispered in her ear, sending slight tingles down her spine but she didn't let him know that.

He smirked at her before stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking away. Ophelia huffed as she watched him. Chloe stood beside her, taking another sip.

"Since when did you have the guts to stand up to him?" Chloe smirked, crossing her arms. "He called me a jackass after I apologized." Ophelia said.

The girls walked over to a nearby bar. "I don't know who he is but he's a prick," Ophelia took a sip from her bottle of water, "and I wasn't gonna let him speak to me like that after I was nice."

Chloe stared in disbelief. "Are you serious? You don't know who that is?" She asks. Ophelia could only shrug. "Ophelia, that was Trevor King, the stone cold bad boy of Lakeford."

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