Chapter 14

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Myles leans back in his chair, head tilted back and clutching his belly, giving the most fakest but realest laugh that he could muster.

Frederick, who sat across from him, smiled with a slight chuckle. Frederick Henderson was a wise man. A beard with blonde and white hair, slicked back. His wrinkled fingers grasped the fork with such firmness as he brought some food to his mouth.

His beady eyes scanned the table, taking in small details before they landed on Ophelia, who was occupying herself with the food.

Frederick cleared his throat before he spoke, "Young lady?" Ophelia glances up and peers at him. "I'm afraid that you haven't said a word since you entered. Is everything alright?" He asks.

Ophelia is taken back by his gentle tone. "Yes, I'm fine, just I'm not much of a talker." Ophelia replies. Frederick nods.

"Well dear, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not much of a talker unless I have to be." He flashes a charming and warm smile at her.

She returned the smile. Brenda Henderson, Frederick's wife, joins the conversation. "Dear, you are telling this darling a story. You love to talk." She says. Frederick becomes flustered as Brenda and Ophelia chuckles.

Brenda was a semi-older woman, looking to be around her forties. Not as old as Frederick appeared to be but close. As the couple laughed, Fuschia kicked Ophelia underneath the table, silently threatening her.

Ophelia's little grin faded. Sasha could only softly chuckle as she stuffed her mouth with food. Ophelia hung her head and kept quiet as the dinner continued. Once he finished his meal, Frederick stood up from his chair.

"Join me in my office, Mr Danvers." He orders. "Yes sir." Myles stood and fixed himself. "Mrs. Danvers, please do join me in some late night tea?" She practically begs. "That would be lovely." The two wives rose from their chairs.

"May I join?" Sasha asks. "Of course, dear," Brenda looks to Ophelia, "would you like to join as well?" "No thank you but is it okay if I take a walk in your garden? I just love flowers." Brenda beams at the young girl's words.

"Of course." The wives plus Sasha turned to leave. A butler escorted Ophelia outdoors. The Hendersons' garden was beautiful. Ophelia could hear the waterfall flowing.

She took awed at every crook and nook of the garden. Fireflies glowed in the night around the closed garden, twinkling like stars in the night. As she walked past flowers, they blossomed, revealing their true colors.

Beautiful. Ophelia took a seat on the bench in front of the waterfall and watched as it flowed down into a huge pond. She turned once she heard the sounds of laughter come from one of the many rooms.

It was one of those fake and rich laughs that held no real joy, only money. Ophelia stretched out her tired form on the cold and hard bench, the marble was smoother than the surface of a mirror. She closed her eyes and fell into a dream.

A dream that she would not be able to explain or a dream that she would not be able to understand until later.

"Take me wherever you go," a voice pleaded, "Promise that you will!"

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