Chapter 6: First Date Pt.2

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Armani's POV

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Armani's POV

I watched quietly through the window as the little historical buildings slowly faded into rows of short stubbed trees. We were driving so far from the city that I was getting worried I was about to get kidnapped. We finally drove around in what seemed to be a vineyard that produced wine.

The vineyard extended for acres of land. There were rows upon rows of short logged trees with bushy, bright green tops producing this season's product. Flowers littered the long, continuous rows. As we traveled further through the vineyard, I noticed various brick buildings spaced out every couple of miles or so.

Now and then, I saw a group of workers working hard in the field. Anytime they noticed us drive by, they quickly dropped what they were doing and waved. I wondered if Antonio knew them or if they were just being kind.

The View

My eyes slowly skimmed over to the culprit of my possible kidnapping

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My eyes slowly skimmed over to the culprit of my possible kidnapping. His left tan hand gripped lightly onto the steering wheel, while the other rested on the gear. Part of me wanted to reach out and hold his hand within mine, but maybe it was too soon for that show of affection.

I was new to this whole dating thing, which seemed crazy since I was at the ripe age of 24. Throughout college, I usually declined dates; if I was somehow swayed to go on one date, I would make sure it never extended to another date.

I was always focused on school, my job, and taking care of my ill father. Having a boyfriend or a serious relationship was never on the agenda. But now that I was a girl in my youthful twenties in a whole another country with beautiful men, I was ready to change that. You only live once and I'm tired of living to work. I want to work to live and that's the main reason I'm sitting here in this man's car in Italy on a date.

"Where are we headed?" I questioned, breaking the silence.

I noticed from this time spent with Antonio that he was a rather quiet man. I always wondered what he was thinking up in that beautiful skull of his. He only spoke when there was a meaning and reason. I wanted him to talk more and tell me more about himself.

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