Chapter Nine: You're Coming With Me, Tesoro

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Antonio's POV

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Antonio's POV

I finally arrived at the entrance of my club and gestured for the valet to come to take the keys. I didn't have time to park my car. I needed to see my Tesoro.

The bouncer didn't stop as I walked straight through the entrance past the waiting partygoers, everyone knew my name and wouldn't dare test me.

The club was jammed pack and smelt like high accounts of alcohol and smoke. Sweaty people rubbed into me as I pushed through the mass amount of people. I prided myself in knowing the numbers were going to be high this month. This club turned out to be a success.

But, that wasn't what I was worried about right now. I was mainly concerned about seeing my beautiful Tesoro with some vile creature gripping tightly onto her waist as he allowed himself to delve into her body.

I tried shaking the awful thoughts out of my mind before I saw red. I've been trying to work on my anger issues and imagining the number of ways I could destroy a guy who had put his grimy hands on my girl wasn't helping me.

I sighed as it would be entirely impossible to find my Belleza in this mosh pit of people. I would need to go to higher ground and spot her beautiful locks of hair from above.

I pushed past the touchy, flirty women whose main agenda with bothering me is to get a night with me. The only night I would be having for the rest of my life would be with my Armani.

After what felt like ages, I was able to climb up the stairwell to the VIP area, which featured a one-way window. I could easily find my baby from way up here.

I grabbed myself a scotch from one of the servers and stood in front of the window, peering through the crowd.

It took me a bit, but I finally found my Armani.

There she was laughing with her duo of friends. Her hair was gelled back concealing her coils away from me. She had a ribbed, mustard yellow body con dress with a peek out where her stomach was. She looked so beautiful and it made me mad that I wasn't down there to enjoy the beauty.

I took another sip of my scotch and got ready to walk back down to where she was before her next actions surprised me.

A filthy man whispered something into her ear into which she giggled--the way she giggled at me. Then, she moved away slightly from her friends to start dancing with him--grinding on him. I watched as his disgusting hands grip tightly onto her where my hands should've been.

I was seeing red and couldn't seem to calm down. I know I went no contact for a couple of days, but I didn't expect her to move on so fast. Did our time together mean nothing to her?

No, maybe she's just drunk.

I drowned the rest of my drink, before rushing down the stairs to cause mayhem on the man who was silly enough to touch my Belleza.

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