Chapter 1: Ugh, School.

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I don't like school. 

Learning is just so.. boring. You have to sit in a classroom and listen to a person yabbering about some boring topic like history or math. Why do that when you can be at home blasting your rock music and dancing around in your underwear?

Well, probably because my mother would kill me if I did that instead of school.

I put my chin on the desk, barely awake. Who decided that waking a bunch of teenagers up at 7 in the morning was a good idea? I know this is college but seriously, why so early? Maybe I'm just lazy.

"Who can tell me why the answer was x divided by y and not y times x?" My math teacher says. I make eye contact with her and when she looks at me expectantly, I glare at her and shrug, even though I knew the answer.

Unless the time on the clock was double digits, I was not going to cooperate. Call me stubborn.

My best friend Jadi looks at me and I roll my eyes when she giggles at my difficulty. I and Jadi sit near the back of the classroom, but more towards the middle. The kids in the very back, who were on their phones and gossiping any chance they got were whispering about something. 

Something stupid probably. That's the only thing their last brain cell can comprehend. 

The math teacher clears her throat. "Phones away. Sofi, why don't you answer my question?"

The teacher looks sternly at the chubby blonde sitting in the back, with way too much lipstick on, and clumpy mascara splattered around her eyes. She thought she was so cool. But really, she annoyed everyone to no end.

"I dunno miss." She says it loudly and somewhat condescendingly. I roll my eyes again as her group cracks up as if it's the funniest thing on earth.

"Well, then what have you been doing this whole lesson?" 

"Listening to you," Sofi says. "I just don't know how to answer that particular question."

I lean towards Jadi. "She doesn't know how to answer a lot of things. Like when you tell her to stop wearing so much makeup because she looks like a damn clown."

Jadi stifles a laugh as I tune out of the conversation. I imagine myself lying in my bed, listening to my music, and eating lollipops. Ahh, that's the life.


After the bell rings, everybody gets up to go eat. As I get to the door with Jadi a tan hand pops in front of my face and holds the door open. I look up into the face of no one other than Ash Logan.

Ash Logan confuses me.

He sits with the most obnoxious kids and laughs at their jokes but I've never seen him specifically bring up anything negative about anyone else. He is probably the most chill one. Not the quietest one though. He was still chatty, just not about regular gossip. He still teased people but in a friendly way, not a 'you suck and I'm just trying to impress my friends by making fun of you' way.

Plus, he was horrifyingly good-looking. You could tell from his jawline and sharp eyes he didn't miss a thing. His fluffy hair was always so perfectly messy and his body looked like he worked out 24/7. 

He had lots of friends but wasn't a d*ck. He was likable and the most popular out of the group because he wasn't a bully. He beats people up though. Like a dog, he won't do anything to you unless you provoke him. Say one bad thing about him or his friends and he's on you like a lion catching prey. It was...pretty hot not gonna lie.

But no, I still hated him and his group. I thought he was attractive, but so did the other 2,000 girls in my school. The group was so dislikeable though. They thought they were so cool like they owned the college. Apart from a few (rude) remarks from me and a few (rude) remarks from him, we've never had a proper conversation before. 

I glare at him as he grins slyly at me. "Ladies first."

I smile sweetly as I walk with Jadi past him and we leave for my car. "And jerks last." 



what do you think????

yay or nay?

i am soo excited for when the actual ~drone~ part comes because then you won't be shipping one couple only....

yeah i know. I'm just that good.

love ya lots,

red xx

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