Chapter 4: Ashes To Ashes

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1 hour before

My brother was getting on my nerves.

Every single day, he wouldn't shut up about this drone he was building. My brother was super smart and very good at technology. We were opposites in personality even though we looked near identical when he was a year younger than me.

I am very into sports. Basketball is my life. Or part of it. I love basketball almost as much as my family. Although I try to put on a hard exterior it always crumples in front of my lovely mother. My b*tch of a father left when I was 3, his lame excuse being he had gotten a job overseas. He was never seen again by my mother. That bast*rd was gone through. Out of my life. He could p*ss of wherever he was. I don't give a sh*t. 

My mother is the strongest person I know. She looks after me and my brother and still finds time to be a doctor. It took a long time for her to become as successful as she is though. She went through a large period of depression when my father left. We almost got taken away from her until one day when I was 12 I told her I had had enough. She better suck it up and gets a job or else we would be leaving like how our father left her. 

Harsh I know.

But once you go through what I went, I'm glad I did it. She changed after. She took care of us and became the perfect mother. A trophy wife minus the wife part. She was different from other mothers. Not a sob story single mother struggling to live. No, she was living the life. She had perfect kids, perfect boyfriends that came and went, and a perfect house. She was older, sure, but she was still beautiful. 

Call me a mamas boy though and I'll beat you up so badly that you will go to your own mama.

Back to my brother though.

He was a year younger than me and even though we looked similar, he was a total closet nerd. He was popular, taking after his brother, but what no one knew is that as soon as he came home from school, he read. He cleaned. He built the most random sh*t in his lab. Yeah. His lab.

Our mother realized how smart he was and renovated a huge room to become his very own personal torture device maker room. Or in other words, his lab.

"Ash!" He calls me from his lab.

I sigh. "What do you want Aaron."

"Come see what I made!"

"Hmm, I'll pass."

"Oh come on don't be a d*ck."

I storm into his lab. "Call me that again-"

"Yadda yadda. You'll beat me up? Yeah right. Now look." He beckons me to one of the messy tables in the room.

I grumble and walk over to him.

Sitting there, shining and sparkling, is a drone.

It looks like a fancy spider with long propellors and a black sleek frame. 

"Okaaayy baby bro. It doesn't look like sh*t."

"Wow, what a compliment." He glares at me.

"Are you going to fly it?"

"No. I'm going to sit here and watch it until it rots away." He states.

I roll my eyes. "Wanna go after lunch?"

"To where?"

"To the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, Aaron."


"The park you idiot. Do I have to spell it out for you? Do. You. Want. To. Go. To. The. Park. Near. College. To. Fly. Your. Drone?"

He smiles. "Okay."



and i mean Ash btw

i love Aaron all the same though...

hint: Aaron is Maia's age...


red xx

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 ☑️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang