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Rose had enough!

She was in her second year of medical college and her so called boyfriend had cheated on her with her childhood bestfriend Maddy.

The sight was horrible and she didn't want to think of it. They have been dating since 2 years and Rose had started seeing a future. But no, Edward Harpmen had to be the jerk he is. What hurt her the most was it was Maddy Pereira, her sister-like friend who broke her trust. The 2 people she thought had her back.

Rose could choose to ignore it but it wasn't as simple. Edward and Maddy made sure to bully her by glorifying their cheating in the public. And they being popular could sell literally whatever.

Her breakup wasn't the only problem. She was in too much student debt and had not paid 4 installments. She tried to talk it out with her principal but now she also couldn't help. Giving scholarship was next to impossible as Rose wasn't the best student, in fact, her parents separation and death has affected her studies and mental peace. Medical studies wasn't the easiest.

"Miss Christianus..we are sorry to say this but you will have to drop the course if you are unable to pay balance settlements and the future fees" The principal pitted her, she knew about her and you could say her mother was close to her. She saw the sad look in the girl's face, she wanted to help her but she also have to pay her bills.

"Uh you niece has a bakery down town, I could ask her for recruiting you..but this stays between us. I am not allowed to mingle with student's life"

Rose gave a small smile.

"Thank you Mrs. Rogers but I don't know how to bake"

"Well she is very strict about whom she appoints but I will try to request her for an unprofessional" Mrs. Rogers knew how unreal it was.

"Thank you.." Rose turned back around.

"'am can I get another month? I will try to find a solution"

Mrs. Rogers was not convinced but she sighed and agreed on a one month time.

As she passed by the campus she saw a girl her age dressed in what seem like the trendiest clothes this season come out of an Audi. Her red bottom shoes didn't go unnoticed.

"How the fuck is she so rich? And why doesn't she carry a backpack?" Rose wondered

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"How the fuck is she so rich? And why doesn't she carry a backpack?" Rose wondered. She was awestruck as she stared at her walking like a model on a runway.

Rose widened her eyes when she saw who she was, she was Sydney Toner! Her friend from the NGO drive she attained last summer. What more bedazzled her was that she was as rich as Rose herself. In other words, she wasn't!

She had the greatest glow up ever. Heck, Rose thought she had mistaken her for someone else until Sydney jump-ran towards her with her famous sharp toothed (long canines on either side) smile. It was so damn attractive almost like she was a cat human.

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