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"What nonsense is this?!" Rose got up angrily.

"Miss there had been a slight confusion on the matter.." Mia hated doing this. When will her boss Maria, stop playing these stupid games?!

"Please explain.." Rose crossed her arms.

Mia didn't know how to..she sighed.

"Listen, I am going to be more straightforward as I don't think this require professionalism anyways..."

"You are employed by Maria Chua as her Sugar baby. And she is the person you are appointed to and there won't be a third person. She is also your one and only provider"

"You could have just said this instead of taking a false name"

"This you ask her" Mia says being done with Maria.

Not gonna lie, it was kind of relieving to know it wasn't gonna be a man.

"She is 31 years old French-Asian. Hardworking business women and a socialite. I cannot disclose further
details unless permitted by her"

"Okay...what do I have to do?"

"You will always have to be present at the time and place of the event. An advance schedule is mentioned to the employee so you don't have to worry. You shall follow the personal requests of the employer and also act when required. The employer may get intimate with the employee at times-"

"What intimate?"

"Like holding hands, hugs, cuddling, sleeping together and it doesn't usually happen but maybe kissing and intercourse" Mia says sweating internally with awkwardness. She does not get payed enough for this.

Rose was silent for too long. As if her brown eyes were staring into Mia's soul.

"It's not that...I am not even Lesbian to begin with" Rose finally says.

"None of the previous interviewees have been"

"Well that's obvious because you guys are catfishing someone else's name"

"It's not done on purpose employer believes its the easier way to attract women"

"What?! Doesn't she know she is employing straight women?"

"Listen, her previous Sugar baby was a straight women. She stayed for the money and didn't have any complains"

"Your boss is sick!"

"She believes it's pure business. That's why I told you to know acting too, it will be necessary for you I believe"

"You are telling me to fake enjoying sex with a woman?"

"Miss Christianus, it's your choice whether you want to work or not. You may choose to leave if you are not interested, there are other appointments too today and I don't think a second interview is possible" Mia says strictly gathering files and getting up to leave.

"Wait, can you please tell me if I am qualified to go to the next round?"

"Do you want to be the SB?"


"Okay then. Just wait for a few minutes. I believe Miss Chua is on the ground"


Maria's phone was ringing, it was the 4th call from the same contact.

"Yes?" Maria speaks in her deep yet clear voice.

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