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Chapter 4
                                                               The  diner

"What is this place?" I asked Obi Wan as he lead me outside of a grey-red building with steam coming out the top.

"I have a friend who works here who may be able to tell us what this is." He said das he held up the poison dart the bounty hunter used.

I nodded as we walked inside. Immediately, I was taken aback by the smell of oil and crummy food. I don't want to seem like someone who is spoiled with fancy foods, and perfect living— but I sort of am.

A droid walked up to us. "Hey..! How ya doing." The droid asked. "Good, thank you." I responded.

"I am looking for someone named Dex. Is he here by any chance." Obi Wan asked. The droid nodded and screamed. "Honey! There's eh someone here to see ya!"

"Jedi by the looks of em.!" The droid called again. Then a large man with multiple arms, peeped his head up from the counter.

"Obi Wan!" The man called. Obi Wan had a foolish grin on his face. "Hello Dex!" He said happily. I smiled softly, Jedis never really seemed to smile much, and it was sweet when they did.

"Take a seat I'll be right with ya!" The man- or Dex called. Obi Wan smiled and walked over to a booth near the window.

"Ya'll wanna a cup o' Jawa juice?" A droid asked as they zoomed by. "Yes please," I said. "Thank you," Obi Wan added.

"Heyy old buddy!" Dex said happily. Obi Wan gave him a big hug. Dex wrapped all of his arms around Obi Wan tightly. Once they released the man turned to me.

"Whose this?" He asked Obi Wan enthusiastically. I walked closer to the man and stuck out my hand for him to shake.

"I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet yo-" Before I could understand finish the man enveloped me in a hug. I could hear Obi Wan chuckling behind me. I laughed and hugged him back.

Once we all sat down, Dex struggling more then me and Obi Wan- he asked. "So, what can I do for you my friends.?" He asked simply.

Obi Wan rummaged through his robe and pulled out the dart. "You can tell me what this is." He said.

"Well.. what do ya know.." he said as he examined the dart. "I ain't seen one of these since I was prospecting Subterrel on the outer rim." He said.

"Can you tell me where it came from?" Obi Wan asked. Then a droid came zooming over and placed down me and Obi Wans Jawa juice. "Thank you." I said simply.

"This baby belongs to them cloners." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "What you got here is a Kamino saber dart." He continued.

"I wonder why it didn't show up in the analysis charts." I said to Obi Wan.

"It's the funny little cuts on the side that gives it away." He said pointing to the dart. "Those analysis droids only focus on symbols." He said carrying out the 'S'.

"I should think that you Jedi have more respect for the difference between knowledge and... wisdom." He said with a smirk. I smiled at him softly then took a sip of my Jawa juice.

"Well if droids could think- none of us would be here would we?" Obi wan asked with a handsome smirk. I chuckled.

"Kamino.. I'm not familiar with it.. is it in the Republic?" Obi Wan asked. Dex shrugged. "No no, it's beyond the outer rim— about 12 parsecs from here." Dex responded.

"It should be easy to find, especially for those droids in your archives." Dex said with a grin. Obi Wan smiled and I grinned.

"These Kamino one's- they keep to themselves." He said leaning in closer. "There cloners.. damn good ones too." He continued.

"Are they friendly?" I asked softly. He looked at me and smirked. "Depends on how good your manners are.. how big your uh.. pocketbook is.." He said with a chuckle.

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