different approach

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scarlett looked up to see adam still gripping her wrist from when he pulled her inside and turned to see aspen ripping her hands from charlie's grip. "what the hell is this?" she said looking around at all of her old teammates. "it looks like some sick cult meeting." she walked forward and examined the abandoned classroom.

"that's a fucking duck." aspen spoke louder making scarlett look over to the desk in the corner. sitting on the desk was a baby duck, waddling back and forth.

"you're shitting me, right?" scarlett raised her eyebrows at averman and goldberg who were petting it and trying to trap it.


"it's just a duck."

the room itself was actually not that bad, it was just really dark. the only light showing was from an old lamp in the corner that was plugged in. it still had desks and chairs.

"just a duck." cameron muttered sarcastically with his arms crossed. he couldn't believe the situation he was in. he was standing next to guy who was just staring at connie like she was some prized possession. scarlett assumed it's been while since they last talked.

"why are you all here?" aspen asked confused, moving as far away as she could from charlie. he rolled his eyes at her behavior and stubbornly walked far away from her as well.

"what are you doing here?" charlie fired back.

"now is not the time for attitude," scarlett stepped in quickly. "we got a paper. saying to meet here and come alone."

everyone muttered their agreements on getting the same note as the two girls. "we were just saying we thought it was you, scarlett. trying to get the team back together." dwayne nodded, sitting down in a desk next to ken.

"and i told them they're crazy if they even thought for a second you'd do that." cameron shook his head.

"because you know her so well." adam mumbled under his breath, but cameron heard him.

"better than you, clearly." cameron challenged.

"cameron's right," scarlet sent a glare over to adam, interrupting to two boys. "no offense or anything to you guys—i guess, but i had no intentions on getting this team back together."

"ever." aspen mumbled to herself.

"well, do you anyone who would?" ken asked, looking at scarlett.

"coach orion is the only person i can think off. i know he just started coach varsity and wants a team." scarlet shrugged, not telling anyone about how he called her into the deans office.

"i don't think he'd do this. it's a little-"

"stalkerish? yeah." connie cut julie off.

"i mean, it could always be someone else we know. practically everyone knows how things went down with us. they could just be trying to make some sort of joke." guy tried to reason.

"and throw us all in a room, in the middle of a night, with a baby duck that has a note attached to it?" averman asked skeptically and everyone looked over at him. "that's a lot of work for a sick joke."

"a note?"

"what note?"

"there's a note?"

"why didn't you say anything?" charlie snapped at averman, going to snatch the note out of his hands. he read it over before shaking his head.

"no way." he threw the note down on the desk. adam went to grab it and read it next.

"what?" he asked, confused on what's written.

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