that's it

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"hey!" cameron beamed as scarlett and morgan came up to him and his friends. they were sitting in the bleachers and the lacrosse game was about to start. scarlett and morgan were just coming back from volleyball practice. aspen, abbie, or anna wouldn't bring themselves to sit through a game with cameron's friends. they didn't like cameron's friends that much.

"hey guys," scarlett sat next to cameron and put her bag at her feet. morgan sent all of his friends an award smile. scarlett nudged her and shook her head slightly while furrowing her eyebrows. "don't be weird." she mouthed to morgan.

the game started four minutes ago and the team was already up 3 to nothing. adam was scoring left and right and that made scarlett realize she's never actually watched him play before. she hasn't been to a lacrosse game ever, actually. she honestly kind of enjoyed watching.

"yo, banks seems pissed, bro. i bet the team is gonna wanna thank whatever pissed him off after this game." one of cameron's friends—andrew, joked, making scarlett furrow her eyebrows. morgan gave her a knowing look because scarlett told her what had happened earlier.

"that would be me." scarlett muttered to herself. cameron turned to her with a confused look as her eyes widened, realizing she that out loud.



"what'd you say?"

"uh, nothing? nothing. i'm just thinking.." scarlett nodded slowly, trying to sound convincing as morgan laughed to herself.

"aaand banks scores yet again ladies and gents. what can't this kid do? i'll tell ya, stay clam. my god, this boy is going ca-razyy tonight. i think we're all wondering what put him in this a-game mindset tonight. stay tuned for a possible after game interview with adam banks. go warriors!"

that's what you get for letting students spectate sport games. scarlett always liked that they did that. it made the game so much more entertaining overall.

cameron rolled his eyes at the announcers words. it's no secret he hated adam. he had from the beginning. it's not like it wasn't a mutual thing, though. you can tell adam hated cameron before he even met the boy. so technically scarlett couldn't blame cameron. right?

"maybe...y'know maybe, he's on something, man." another one of cameron's friends—jason, said suddenly, after seeing adam shoulder someone so hard the did a backwards roll.

scarlett winced. not at the kid that did a backwards roll, at how that hit looked like it hurt adam's shoulder. but she doesn't care about him, she's just a nice person. wait, that made her laugh a little bit because sometimes she's not a nice person—okay, maybe most of the time. but when she isn't being a complete bitch she is a nice person so..

"on something? what'd ya mean, on something?" andrew said, leaning to look at his friend. scarlett finally registered what the two were talking about and started listening to the conversation.

"like.." jason raised his eyebrows, trying to make him understand. "y'know.."

"no, i obviously don't." andrew rolled his eyes.

"steroids. something like steroids, man." jason sighed in defeat as andrew's face grew even more confused.

cameron didn't look opposed to the opinion. "you never know these days." he shrugged, making scarlett look at him with a subtle frown.

"what?" she asked in astonishment. "you seriously don't think that, do you?" she looked at all three of them and when they saw the look on her face, they all looked away, guilty. morgan was rolling her eyes, she didn't think she could be anymore fed up with them but here she is.

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