5. Left her

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A m a y r a

He left me.

He left me at the alter.

That asshole fucking left me at the alter.

I was still in daze about my newly married husband's asshole-ity when James Smith approached me at the centre of the stage.

"Would you like to attend the press meeting or come home?" He asked me. Pity was quite evident in his dark orbs.

"I'll rather go home." I said. Trying to not let my annoyance out on the poor old man. He just nodded and directed me towards the car.

The four wheeler rolled on the charcoal pathways leading to the Smith's Mansion. Honestly speaking, Smith's Mansion was enormous. By the time we reached there, it was dark outside. The butler helped me out of the car and directed me towards the hall.

The Smiths were already assembled in the living room, of-fucking-course except Alexander Asshole Smith.

"I am really ashamed of my brother's behaviour Amayra." Ethan apologised. I gave a small nod not showing my emotions. I really couldn't say 'its okay' because it wasn't.

"You don't have to apologise on your brother's behalf Ethan. He's very capable of being responsible for his actions." I said. That's when I noticed Alexander looking down at the living room from the first floor. He rolled his eyes and went back into the room, slamming the door behind.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith apologized with sympathy in their eyes. They welcomed me into their family with smiled and hugs.

Sophia helped me to the first floor. "The second room is Alexander's and now yours. Best of luck Amayra. He'll be very rude tonight. Just.. just please hang around." She requested. I nodded with a small smile and muttered a 'Good Night'.

Heaving a heavy sigh, I went forward and knocked on his door. After a few minutes, Alexander opened the door. He was still in his suit, but his hair evidently messy.

"What do you want?" He asked annoyed. "To get some sleep." I replied with the same tone. "I never asked you to stay up and guard my house. Did I?" He mocked. "Cut the chase Alexander. Let me in." I said tiredly. His eyes visibly softened for a second before going back to their usual cold self. He rolled his eyes and went back to the bed.

I stepped in and witnessed the room unpredictably dark. Not even moonlight was allowed to illuminate this room.

"Close the fucking door. The light is irking me." He said irritated. I searched for the light switches by my finger tips and switched them on.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" He yelled. "I can't fucking see in darkness. I don't think any normal human's rod cells are active enough to roam around an unfamiliar room in darkness and figure things out on their own." I yelled with same attitude. "Now zip your mouth and sit the fuck back. You may leave the room if you are getting so irked by my presence." I said unzipping my luggage.

He got up from the bed with a thud and walked out of the room banging the door again.

I got into my satin pyjamas rather than a lingerie. I spent the night in the cold sheets rather than my husband's arms. This, my friends, was nothing normal.

I woke up late next morning with all the exhaustion burdening me. Getting ready, I moved down to the living room. That's when I noticed Alexander coming down too. All covered in black again.

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