Chapter 27: Kiara

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A l e x a n d e r

I sighed buckling my seatbelt. O was done with my promo events for this month and was going to take a break for the next couple of months.

"John, you can go home once the jet lands. I'll call you if I need something." I said closing my eyes and adjusting the neck pillow.

The 7 hour flight finally landed at the runway and I strided out of the airport with my security surrounding me.

Within hundreds of people shouting my names and sight blinding flashlights, my eyes were only searching for that one beautiful smile I eagerly want to come home for.

Within the crowd, I saw her. Wearing my white shirt with a pair of her denims, she looked ethereal even without make up.

I smiled and asked my security to clear the way towards her. My wife.

As soon as the path was cleared and the crowd was in control by my bodyguards, I ran and enveloped Amayra in a bear hug.

She giggled and wrapped her hands around me, resting her face at the crook of my neck.

"I missed you, Mia!" I whispered into her ears and tightened my hold on her torso.

"I missed you too, Xander!" She said and placed a small kiss on my neck.

We parted and moved towards the car.

"Back to home?" I asked her.

"Nope. I want you to meet someone. We'll be going to the park near the Smith's restaurant first and then home." She listed off.

As tired I was from the 9 hour journey, I was excited to spend the day with her. Ever since I entered the field of music, things haven't been same.

Even if I wanted, I could no longer wait for Amayra to come back from the hospital, we could no longer ask about each other's day while having dinner, I could no longer fuck her at all the possible places and I definitely craved for Amayra more than anything.

On the contrast, not even once did Amayra complain about my absence but only motivated me to make all my dreams true.

"We're here!" She squealed when the car came to hault right in front of the park's gate. I smiled at her cuteness and followed her lead to wherever she wanted me to go. The park was comparatively isolated than the rest of the country giving me the privacy I have been needing for so long.

I ran upto the excited Amayra and intertwined our hands. I flashed her a grin and she returned me a spontaneous one.

"Remember when I told you how I got into an accident and an innocent soul saved me a few weeks ago?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Well her name is Kiara. She is about 5 years old and comes to this park on every weekend, exactly around this time and stays here till late in the evening." She said and I nodded grasping her information. I didn't knew what she was trying to imply but I knew I had to thank this little angel.

"She is so cute. I haven't seen her parents around. But I think she needs help." She pursed her lips. "She looks emotionally affected by something. So we're here to know what's going on with her and help her out. You with me?" She asked me.

"I am always with you. And by late night, I'll be in you." I winked at her. She playfully glared at me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting you the same Alexander Smith who once said 'sex is gross'." She mimicked me. I let out a hearty laugh making her laugh too.

"Oh! That's her." She pointed towards a little girl sitting on the park bench, staring at nothing. She looked like she was in a daze and overthinking.

It reminded me of something. It reminded me of me...

"See? She looks lost." Amayra gave me a lip tied smile. She looked attached to the little angel. Something spurred in my heart when I saw how cute she looks in that baby blue frock. Kiara's orbs were similar to Amayra. Anyone from the first glance would assume her to be Amayra's daughter.

Amayra signed me to come with her and I did as asked.

"Hey Kiara!" Amayra chirped. Breaking herself out of her thoughts, she gave her a small smile. "Hey Amy." She greeted.

"Angel, I want you to meet someone. This handsome man at the back is my husband, Alexander." She whispered the last part in her ear.

"And this sweet girl here is Kiara!" She introduced.

"Hey Kiara! Nice to meet you baby." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Would you like to go for an icecream, sweetheart?" I asked her. She paused for a moment then looked up at me.

"Won't it cost money?" She asked me softly. My heart clenched at this. No child should worry about icecream's cost at such a young age.

"No baby. It won't. It's my treat." I said. She looked down thinking.

"Won't Amy be disappointed if I spend your money?" She asked me again.

This is some serious shit.

"How about we ask Amy? If she says she is okay with you coming with us to the icecream parlour and getting a sweet treat?" I tried changing my approach. She nodded positively.

"Your honour?" I wiggled my eyebrows at Mia. She chuckled at my antics.

"I am absolutely okay with getting Kiara a treat. And yeah, you're getting me a chocovanilla chocochips!" She chirped. Kiara smiled at her enthusiasm. "I'll get the same!" She tried matching her excited tone. We chuckled and walked to the car with Kiara.

Walking into a small ice cream parlour, which was now empty due to my request, we took a table by the window. I gave the order and the old lady standing behind the counter happily rendered after asking for a selfie.

"So baby, what were thinking about?" Amayra initiated the conversation.

Kiara's smile fell. "My mother." She muttered slowly.

"Did you fight with her?" She asked softly. Kiara shook her head in no.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her softly, trying to not cross the boundary.

She took a deep breath. "Only if you promise you'll not pitty me like my teachers." She looked up. Her eyes held power and pain.

I nodded. "We'll neither judge you nor pitty you. We just want to ensure you aren't in any kinda trouble." I said patting her head.

"Ab-about an year ago, my mom and dad left me at the orphanage. They said they don't have money for me. They had to choose between me and my 3 brothers, they chose my brothers." She said with tears in her eyes.

My heart clenched. How can they do this to such a small kid?

"I was angry. Why didn't they love me? Was I a bad child? Did I do something wrong? Didn't I finish my homework? Didn't I compel to all their demands?" She chocked. I gently rub her back.

"A few months later, a lady along with her husband visited the orphanage and sissy said they adopted me." She paused.

"They beat me. They made me work. They didn't let me go to thd school." She said looking down.

"I ran away. I came back to the orphanage. Sissy isn't rich to give into all our demands, but she is good. She sends us to school. She helps us in our studies. She gets us breakfast and dinner. She looks after us when we are not well." She said.

I gulped down my tears.

"Here's your icecreams!" The old lady chirped. Kiara's eyes twinkled with happiness.

My heart filled with a new feeling. The feeling of being a protector, a care taker, being a... Father, maybe?
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