Chapter 16: Papa Smith

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A m a y r a

It has been a week since the chaotic evening.

A week since Alexander came out of his room. He barely eats or talks to me or anybody else for a matter of fact. Aunt Malisa hurted him in ways I could never understand.

And my only hope for getting Alexander back was our knight in shining armour. Papa Smith.

I dialled him up last evening and explained everything to him. He was furious and ready to get his lawsuit. I calmed him down saying I already took the necessary legal actions.

"Dad, I need your help." I said.

"What is it Amayra? Are you okay? Is Alexander okay?" He panicked.

"I am okay. But Alexander is not. Everything seems to be emotionally outweighing him. He is neither talking to me nor having a healthy lifestyle. He has locked himself in his room for what seems like an eternity now." I said.

"That's not good. I wish I could strangle that psycho bitch with my bare hands." He gritted.

"Well can you come over dad? Maybe you can help him out?" I bit on my lip. This suggestion may backfire but atleast I'll be trying.

"I'll be there by tomorrow. But do you think its a good idea?" He asked.

"Absolutely. See you tomorrow dad. Have a safe flight." I said and hung up.

And now I was waiting in the living room, to welcome Papa Smith.

A few minutes to 4 and I heard the doorbell ring. I knew who it was. Jumping on my toes, I opened the door.

James hugged me. "I hope you're taking care of yourself Amayra. You seem weak." He said in a worried tone.

"I am okay dad. Everything was a little too much to handle." I heaved out.

"Okay magician. I want you to enter into Alexander's room. Its unlocked by the way. He's just blankly gazing out of the window. Do whatever magic you do. And fix everything." I said ushering him to Alexander's room.

"Calm down young lady. Let the old man breath." He said.

"Old man may breath in his son's room. Now shoo." I said.

I unlocked the door, pushed James in and locked it from the other end.

May God establish sense and peace between them.

J a m e s S m i t h

Amayra pushed me into a dark room and locked the door from the other end.

Okay here goes nothing.

I turned around and saw a silhouette by the window. The room was dark and the only source of light was the moon.

Sensing someone's presence, Alexander broke the silence.

"Mia, I am not hungry." He said. His voice lot calmer than when he is with me.

"Who's Mia?" I asked.

He turned around and his eyes widened. I could see his eyes glossy, even in the darkness.

"D-dad?" He chocked out.

He called me dad after a really long time. I can never explain the pain I felt everytime he called me Mr. Smith. May no father experience that. Not if he's undeserving atleast.

"As much as I want to hug you, I asked you a question." I was curious. I hope he isn't cheating on Amayra. I swear I'll push him out of the same window he was standing by.

"Don't tell me you're having an affair." I told him with a scowl.

He chuckled at my confusion. "It's Amayra, dad. I call her Mia. Her mother used to call her that." He replied.

My scowl turned into an awkward smile.

"What are you waiting for young lad? Come and hug me!" I exclaimed. He strode and wrapped his hands around my torso. I could feel wetness on my shoulder. He was crying.

"I am sorry dad. I am so so so so very much sorry." He cried. "Why didn't you slap me when I was being rude? Why didn't you hold me by my ears when you knew I was doing something wrong?" He cried.

"You did nothing wrong, Alex. It wasn't your fault. You were an innocent soul and that psycho bitch used it against you to manipulate you." I patted his back.

"It was me dad. I should have come to you with my problems. Not her. You were my family. Not her." He cried out.

"I feel ao guilty. Its eating me in dad. I am not even paying attention to Amayra the last week. It hurts. It hurts to think how bad I was all these years dad." He cried out.

"It's okay hun. It's okay." I rubbed his back.

"Why are you so calm? Why aren't you scolding me? Why aren't you screaming?" He asked.

"There's no point in holding grudges Alex. Also it was wrong at my side too. I shouldn't have listened to your mom when she was blindly following her friend. I trusted you. But I should have taken a step ahead to clear everything out. Will you forgive me, honeybunch?" I asked.

Hu hugged me tighter. We parted in a while.

A m a y r a

4 hours.

Complete 240 minutes.

4 hours since I locked Alexander and his dad in the room. No sound could be heard. And they certainly weren't trying to call me out. I was being worried now.

My phone rang. It was James.

"I am starving you little fellow! Ask your wife to feed me or I'll make her divorce your annoying round ass." I heard James whine in background.

"Shut up dad. You're disturbing me." Xander groaned.

"Mia?" He called out on the call.

"Yes Xander?" I answered with a smile.

"Can you please unlock us? I need to talk to you. And feed my dad's hungry round belly." He chuckled.

"Oh you're just jealous of my belly. It looks gorgeous!" James screamed out.

I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. Standing by the door, I unlocked it.

I saw Alexander and James sitting by the window, laughing out loud.

When I thought this man couldn't be any more attractive.

"Oh please! Ogle at your husband later. This old man needs some food into his system." James groaned making me blush.

"I wasn't oogling." I defended myself.

"Yeah and I'm 18 years old." James said and walked out of the room.

Alexander looked at me with a smug look on his face.

"What's with the Smith men getting addicted to windows?" I asked changing the topic.

Alexander walked towards me. Standing infront of ms he shrugged.

"You wanted to say something?" I asked remembering how he wanted to discuss something.

"Yeah." He said and wrapped his arms around me. I stood frozen for a second. This was the first time he took a first step to proximation.

"I am sorry. For not paying attention to you this entire week. I was just messed up." He said breaking the hug. "I am sorry if I hurt you by any chance." He said tucking a loose strand of my hair.

"And Thank you. Thank you for calling my dad over. I really needed him this time." He said kissing the top of my head.

Note that I am still frozen.

"Also, I Love You, Mrs. Amayra Alexandra Willamson Smith." He flashed me his love filled eyes.

Nope. This is not the end.

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