13th Birthday, Ruined

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In seventh grade, I turned 13. 13 is a huge deal, usually. But for me it was just another day, I was grounded. Forced to sit in my doorway until Hellen called for me. She called me down to open my gifts, the big ones I remember being a dictionary set, some pens and drawing supplies, coloring books.
I can't remember if I got them for my birthday or not but I had the whole series of twilight books, and not just soft cover, hard cover and one of them was a beautiful collectors edition. They were a gift for some celebration or another but every time she wanted to have control over me, she'd threatened to take them from me. That's all gifts seemed to be, was control over me, something to hold over my head.
Anyways, I went back upstairs carrying all my new presents upstairs, she had ungrounded me since it was my birthday. She yelled up the stairs at me and I replied back, she hadn't heard me and I had to repeat myself. That had done it, she flew up the stairs, snatched whatever I had in my hand at the time and told me to put the shit away I was grounded again for giving her attitude. I waited for the creaks on the steps to stop and then I sobbed.

Later that day my great grandpa, cousins and aunt came to see me. So Hellen was forced to let me come down and see them. My Aunt gave me a pillow cut Opal ring that I was told was my great grandmothers. She showed me how in the sun, the Opal shone fiery red. Of course Hellen snatched it right up after they left and made me put it in my jewelry armoire. Told me to leave it alone and never touch it.
That was the last birthday I had to spend with her.

Her Inner StrengthHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin