Chapter 3

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The blade narrowly misses my eyeball. It catches on my skin just below my temple. I dab at the droplet of blood oozing from the cut with my fingertip. Aston's jaw falls open as fear leaks into his eyes. He stumbles over his tongue, grappling for an apology. But I launch myself at him, swinging my blade low, and his swift reflexes block it. He hops backwards and tosses me a smug grin.

"Alright, soldiers," the Tranq barks. His black eyes roam over us as he prowls forward, stepping between us all. I fight the urge to squirm as he passes me and rakes his gaze over my body. His heavy body armour clanks and he grips his powerful staff. "Good work today. We will return in the morning."

We laugh and shove one another. Early evening sunlight blares through the grimy warehouse windows, and the frenzied dust particles catch bright orange.

"Alright, soldiers," the Tranq barks. His black eyes roam over us as he prowls forward, stepping between us all. I fight the urge to squirm as he passes me and rakes his gaze over my body. His heavy body armour clanks and he grips his powerful staff. "Good work today. We will return in the morning. Gods save the king."

"Gods save the king," the crowd of soldiers echoes.

A rumble fills the enormous room as a hundred Convex soldiers relax and mingle with one another. My sword clinks as I slide it into the sheathe on my belt.

"Don't forget the law, soldiers!" the Tranq calls as we all trudge eagerly to the door. Many of the soldiers will be reconvening at the pub shortly. "As a soldier, you may keep your weapon. But any use of it in public, or against a Tranq, will result in exile."

Aston slings his arm over my shoulder, and we traipse out of the repurposed warehouse in the northern area of the Convex Sector, near the river.

"Will you join me on a trip across the river this evening, Elle?" he asks, nodding a pretend top hat at a girl waving at him. "I have a plethora of goods to deliver to the finest people in our kingdom."

"Not the palace," I groan, rolling my eyes.

"I love it. They look at me like I'm a dirty piece of rag," he says with a chuckle as we navigate our way east, towards the farms and his home.

"You are a dirty piece of rag, Aston."

He puts his hand over his heart, mocking shock. "And I thought we were friends."

We laugh and crack dry, crude jokes to one another all the way until we hit the yellow path, along the paddocks and fields, and eventually, arrive on a road of small homes. The outskirts of the Convex Sector. Most of these tiny dwellings are home to many farmers. They are squat cottages, made from russet brick and concrete. The road is not paved with cobble but with dirt and hard-packed hay. We follow a quick path to the front step of a cottage.

An old lady opens the door. She has sheet white hair pulled into a bun with dark, leathery skin from a lifetime of working in the sun.

"Ah, my Elle!" she says, throwing her bony arms into the air. "Come in, come in."

Ushered inside, she grabs my hand before I can say anything and lights the kettle.

"Sit down, sit down." She pulls a rickety chair out from under a round table. She beams a gummy smile. "What brings you to my patch?"

"I am helping Aston deliver over the river, Madam Sallow." I smile as she ignites the flame under the kettle. "Plus, I wanted to ask if you have any old produce in the orchard that you can give away." After the encounter in the forest, I want to avoid the place.

Madam Sallow purses her lips, her eyes sagging with sadness. "Not this time, Elle. The Tranqs are crawling in the fields." She draws her thumb across her neck. "Stealing food is a dead man's game."

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