Chapter 24

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A shrill giggle falls from my lips as I lead Ruben through the palace, and into the grounds. The thrill of leaving the king's ball somehow crackles in my blood, pushing me onward into the shadow, towards the stars glimmering in the garden pond. I suppose, rebellion is my very nature. Servants and guests in the midst of milling about toss themselves to the side as we pass. Eyebrows raise. Ladies chatter and whisper.

I soak in the sweet smell of the flowers drifting on invisible tendrils in the air as we hide in the maze of hedges in the north of the grounds. The inky night sky looks like an ocean. As if one could jump up and swim in it. I lean against the hedge; the prickling of the branches keeps me grounded in place. Ruben heaves a sigh, his gaze landing on me. He stands only inches from me, and I can almost feel the thump of his heart, so close to my own.

I grind my teeth. "He is closing in on me. I must convince them, and the king that I am one of you, that I am not with the rebels."

Ruben nods, blowing out his cheeks. "We need to show our affection for one another."

I scoff, rolling my eyes and shifting my weight as I cross my arms. "What affection?"

He raises his brows, a flicker of amusement dancing on his lips. Ruben leans forward, so his mouth is against my ears. "I know you're obsessed with me."

He barks with laughter as I shove him away, scrunching my nose. "That arrogance will be the death of you. Ask the ladies in the court for their affections. I am sure you will not be limited in your choices," I say, tossing my hand at the palace. Even as I say the words, my stomach pinches with envy.

He smirks. "Is that what you want? My attentions elsewhere?"

"Fine," I snap, balling my fists. "I will pretend to swoon over you."

"Are you sure it will be pretend?" he says, eyes glimmering. The nerve of him. I am merely a toy for him to play with. "I know I drive you mad, consuming your thoughts and your dreams."

I narrow my eyes at him and my cheeks heat. "Stop messing around. Stay focused, prince," I hiss, snapping my fingers at him. "I need to find my way across the river to join the rebellion."

He straightens, letting out a sigh. "We need to redirect their attention to the king, not the Tranqs."

I press my lips together. "Unfortunately, the king's demise will not work unless you dismantle his army."

Ruben turns away, pacing back and forth. He glances at me over his shoulder. "We need to turn his own Concaves and the court against him."

"We begin with the Convex, who will help strip the Concaves and the Tranqs of their resources."

"So, we continue to keep the king on our side, while leaching him dry." Ruben rubs his chin, his eyes glistening.

"You do not think it will work," I say, tilting my head.

"Let's begin with the Convex. They will be the easiest to sway into action. The Concaves will need more convincing." He pauses, staring at the sliver of moon in the sky. "I know Ajax and Killian will help."

"Spring is coming," I say, stepping away from the hedge wall. I stand beside him, our hands so close I can feel the warmth. "Perhaps the blight will ease and the Convex will have more strength to help. We will need to come up with plans to leach the king of his resources."

He wrenches his hand away and my stomach clenches. "I am afraid the king is doing the same as us. Leaching, I mean. Leaching the Convex of whatever they had left. He will not allow the famine to ease. He knows that mass death and famine will ensure they are too weak to retaliate."

"I fear they have nothing to lose," I remind him.

He nods, glancing down at me. "You sparked hope in them, Elle. I can only pray to the Gods that your people will be brave enough to take the opportunity you have given them... hopefully without killing any more of my comrades. They can direct their weapons to the king."

I stare at him as a lump forms in the back of my throat. "You will never forgive me for killing your friend.

Ruben sighs and his shoulders sag. His eyes meet mine, burning jade in the sliver of moonlight. "Let's not talk about him," he says, voice sharp.

"You brought him up. I did what I had to do to survive, Ruben," I say, grinding my teeth. "You either let it go, or at least stop hounding me about it."

He tightens his jaw. "You are right. Sorry."

I allow several beats of silence to pass. "I am not sure how to get across the river unseen by anyone who licks the king's boots."

His face brightens, brows raising. "The underground tunnels."


He puts his finger over his lips and gestures for me to follow. He leads me out of the hedge passageway and into another corridor. My stomach curls with a distant foreboding as we wind our way through the garden, sticking to the shadows like vampires ill to the light. We slip into another clearing that sends a phantom claw down my spine. This garden is different from the others. The hedges stretch into the middle of the clearing, limbs scraggly and unmanicured. Leaves coat the stone path, gathering in piles only from the wind, rotting where they rest. A rogue park bench springs from the ground faded blue brass from years of being bathed in the sun and no one bothering to polish it.

Ruben strides up to the bench, crouching down. He nods at the long grass beneath the bench.

"What is it?" I ask, taking cautious steps toward him.

A small handle pops up from the ground. As I brush the grass around the handle, I gasp. It's a trapdoor.

Ruben pulls it. Dust bursts up and he waves it away. A sooty abyss yawns up at us, at the sky. It smells of old stone, and a cold, damp air blows up and over my arms. I shiver.

"This is one of the many entrances scattered across the kingdom. There is an entire network of underground tunnels, crisscrossing the city. Tranqs use it to move around uninterrupted by the kingdom traffic."

"Take me now," I say, rising from the crouch to lower myself inside.

But his hand flies to my wrist. His grip is gentle, but his skin burns my own, stirring my insides. I stare at him.

He flinches away, clearing his throat. "We should go back inside. Lest the king wonder what you are plotting." His amused smirk sends the blood rushing to my face.

I stand up, brushing the dirt from my palms. "You understand how imminent the king's death is, right?"

Ruben blows out his cheeks, standing up. "That man haunts my –" he cuts himself off, hanging his head and letting out a sigh. "Never mind."

I open my mouth to respond but a voice calls through the gardens.

"Prince Talin? Elle?" Larissa steps into the clearing. She angles her head as she takes us in together. "What are you doing out here?"

My cheeks heat up. "I needed some air," I say.

She stifles a giggle, smiling. "Of course. But do make haste inside. Wouldn't want the court thinking you share affection for one another."

Larissa smirks, sauntering away and laughing as I send curse words in her wake.

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