Chapter 34

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On the first morning of spring, frost coats the field towards the charred skeleton of the Tranq building. The cold is bone-deep.

"A slow start to the season," Larissa says, bursting into my room without knocking. Her cheeks are rosy and splotchy, and her lips are tinted a deeper shade of pink.

I gasp, yanking the duvet up, over my naked chest. "Yes. Please come in," I say, blowing a fiery curl from my eyes. "Thanks for asking."

She rolls her eyes and giggles, pushing the curtains further aside and cracking open the window. The frigid wind lashes the curtains like whips. "The festival will still go ahead," she says, voice tight.

I grimace, snatching the robe from the end of my bed and slipping it over my shoulders as I climb from the blankets. "I don't think the Convex have much to give for their taxes." The icy draft oozes past my neck, making the hairs stand on end.

Larissa presses her lips together. "They must provide something. Everyone must pay their taxes in some form or face exile."

"I know the procedure," I say, my voice like a carved hollow.

She falls silent, padding into the bathroom and cranking the tub faucet. "Let's make sure you look your best. That way when you stand with Ruben... I mean, Prince Talin, they might find hope and strength from you."

I scrunch my nose at her and slide into the tub, wincing at the scolding water. "I don't want anyone to look up to me. Any connection or loyalty to me is a death sentence. They know I must maintain my oath to King Talin."

She scrubs my arms with suds and a sponge. "I think everyone knows who you really stand for, Elle."

I furrow my brow, and let Larissa cleanse my skin and hair, knowing that their admiration of me could get them killed.

"I've hardly seen the prince for the past few weeks," I say glumly, watching the orange-red sun swell and stretch into the morning sky. "He's buried himself deep in administration for the wedding. Making deals with noblemen and strengthening the Tranqs."

"And how have your posts in the Convex Sector been this week?" She arches a brow, dunking my head into the water and working a lotion into the locks. "You were stationed in the trades, weren't you?"

"It's terrible. The helmet helps hide my identity. But I'm sure they sense me there. I've got my father's eyes and he had quite the reputation amongst my people." I blow out my cheeks, letting Larissa lift my head and rinse my hair beneath the faucet. "An elderly man collapsed right in front of me. I could... do nothing as he choked on his own blood. Some sort of disease, fuelled by malnutrition. His ribs were swollen." I let out a hiss, trying to shove the images from my mind. But they burrowed deep, pasting themselves permanently to my memory.

"I can hardly bare to visit the Convex Sector," she says, then leans back, scrunching the head towel, the smile tugging at her lips. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"What?" My brows shoot up and I can feel the laugh bubble on my tongue before she even speaks.

"I've been... staying with a noble Concave man the last few nights." Her words are hardly louder than a hush but her shrill giggle echoes around us. "But you mustn't tell a soul."

I clamp a hand over my mouth, my jaw falling open. "Larissa, you little snake. How? Who?"

"His name's Eros." Her cheeks flush and her smile widens. "He's promised we will be married once the king dies, once we win the rebellion."

My eyes water and I fling my dripping arms around her neck. "Oh, Larissa. You have made my entire year. I can't believe it."

Her laughter is enchanting magic that makes me want to sing and dance. "Can I tell you another secret?"

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