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word count: 593


Fizzarolli called out.  No one responded. 

He then opened his eyes, looking around.  He was soon blinded by the subtle flicker of a light above him.

"Oh.  Oh my goodness- sir Mammon! He-he's awake! hurry!"  A voice shrilled in horror.

Fizzarolli looked around, not being able to move anything.  Lord Mammon was here?  For him?

"Doctors! Get the anesthesia!"  Fizz strained his neck, trying to look up.  After what felt like a month of whimpering and doctors yelling, he bolted his head up.  He saw so many doctors.  He was definitely in a hospital.. then he saw Lord Mammon.  Staring at him.  With his signature shit eating grin.  Fizzarolli tried to move his legs to get up, but nothing happened.  He tried to move his arms.  Nothing happened. 

Fizz grunted, struggling to move his limbs more by the second.  Mammons smile grew wider at the sight of this.  Fizz looked down to his arms and legs, only to find.. nothing.  Fizzarolli gasped in, choking on the surrounding air.  He-.. His arms... His legs.- They were gone!

Fizzarolli let out a blood curdling scream as the pain kicked in.  His head felt much lighter, but his Horns felt like they were pulsating.  He felt like he was burning alive.  His insides twisted, his head pounded against his skull, he felt such immense pain he might as well puke his insides out.  He kept screaming.  Doctors hurried, holding him down as he started flailing his now chopped off limbs.  In the process of flailing, he saw a tray.. with his now dislocated limbs... and his horns.  The screaming and crying grew even louder by the second.

"NO!! NO! PLEASE! HELP ME! M-M-MAMMON! B-BLITZO!  PL-PLEASE! NO!" Fizzarolli screamed, tears rolling down his face at such a fast pace.  It was getting blurry.  He mumbled a few more pleads before he finally started to pass out.  The last thing he heard was a chuckle.  From Mammon.  M-mammon couldn't have let them do this to him!  No!  Mammon was his savior!

Fizzarolli threw himself off the pillows, gasping for air.  He reached for his throat, panting, trying to catch a breath.  He looked around.. okay.  No Mammon.  No hospital. No doctors-

Fizzarolli looked down to try and find his limbs, but we're met with robotic limbs instead.. well, except for one of his arms.  He had broken the prosthetic while having a mental breakdown and throwing shit everywhere.  So instead of a robotic arm on his left arm, it was a nub.  The white scarring overpowered his red skin coloration.  He could feel tears running down his cheeks, but he didn't know why.  Fizzarolli slumped back into the pillows.  He was in Ozzie's room- no.  HIS room.  This was also his room.

He turned to his left to find a beautiful- yet obviously overworked, sleeping creature.  It was Ozzie, of course.  Fizz crawled up into Ozzie's chest, letting his eyes leak.  Letting all the troubles go away.  He was safe here.  No one could hurt him here.  He broke out into a pathetic and shaky sob, burying his face into Ozzie's shirtless torso, grabbing onto Ozzie's arm.  He squeezed his eyes shut, tucking his tail in between his legs.  The one part of him that wasn't completely destroyed..

After a minute or so of complete silence (except for fizzarolli wailing like a baby.), He felt a strong hand caress his back.  He flinched, but knew it was his beloved.  He cried harder.  Ozzie pulled him even closer to his chest, laying soft kisses around his chopped off horns. 

"What made you afraid, doll face?"

Asmodeus x Fizzarolli Oneshots (Fizzarozzie)Where stories live. Discover now