-''All that happened is all your fault!''-

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I stood there frozen.

I lost all feelings in my limbs, as if they were amputated to be chromed once again.

I slowly reached my hand too my Sandy.

My fingers were trembling, metal on metal clinging was heard.

Heck my ears rang as I thought back to that I went through, all because Arasaka's own experiment escaped and Militech got curious.

I felt like I couldn't breath, suffocating.

"Zyber I-" My gaze snapped to her face, simply that made her take a step back.

My hand loudly scrapped against the Sandy, making a loud metal against metal sound, as my hands closed into fists.

"You...." I breathed out, barely able to get the words out, I wanted to scream, to yell... Who wouldn't? The cause of my pain is standing in front of me.... This is a prank right? Right?!

"I'm sorry." She said, she looked so genuine, how could she be playing a prank? No, Lucy wouldn't.... She is not lying.

"All that happened is all your fault!" It exploded out of me like a bomb going off.


I was in shock at first and just couldn't react.

"Zyber I-" I started to say.

"You...." But the cold anger in her eyes made me shut up, even take a step back.

I never was in such a situation, my freedom caused the pain of someone else, my escape from my horrid life caused the same to happen too someone else.

She looked spaced out, as if she wasn't purely looking at me.

Arasaka and Militech.... The corpos there did something horrible but because because I escaped another person got the double of it, the double whammy of the Asaraka netrunner and Militech agent treatment and many others died.

How many? How many suffered because I escaped and revealed the secret of Arasaka?

"I'm sorry." For the first time in my life I felt bad about my freedom and I wanted her to know, I really didn't want this, I didn't know about this.

"All that happened is all your fault!" I jerked back, the Sandevistan flash seen before a fist filled my field of view.

I fell over to get away, not expecting the punch.

I rolled too the side to not be hit and crouched.

I looked at the hole she punched where I fell before she yanked her fist out, it was completely swallowed by the concrete, well there is militech implants there, they ARE military corpos so of course she hits hard.

I watched the blood pool out of her mouth and nose, heaving it up under her.

That scared me, when he was alive even David couldn't go endlessly and she can't either.

"Zyber!" I called out, hoping to snap her out of it but she just glared and the flash happened again. "Ark!!" The top of her boot socked me in the throat and lunched me away.

My back impacted the front of a car, a hole my size caving into it. It started loudly screaming, I just hit it again to shut it up again.

"Goddamn." I pushed the parts apart a bit, freeing myself and falling on my ass, taking a deep breath, looking up at the shadow covering me.

"YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS!!!" I tried to back away but my head immediately hit the metal of the dented car as hers was right in my face, blood splattering on my face.

"Calm down." I barely muttered before I was grabbed by the throat and yanked up in the air. "I... Don't want to hurt you." I muttered, trying to pry the hands away, she said she changed parts out, I think that are the outside parts but the inner muscles and such are still Militech.


My eyes went wide, not because she was squeezing my throat but because her eyes glitched out, like double, tripling, all jittery. It almost looked like someone did a copy past of the bloodshot eyes before merging them against and separating them.

(Basically the 1:03 to 1:05  or 2:13 to 2:14 parts with his eyes in case you didn't really understand because I can't explain well enough.)

"Shit." I thought... She had said she was really good at holding out on psychosis! "But then again she is letting her anger do the 'talking'" I groaned.

I gasped as she squeezed more, my head really quickly hurting from the pressure on my neck.

"IF I TAKE YOU OUT!!!--" She didn't say more, thinking with what's she'd follow it up.

"Knowing her." I thought, hoping I was right, swinging my leg up driving my knee in her stomach.

She gasped, pulling her arms lower and slightly releasing her hold.

With the breath I got in I was confident enough to last one minute so I dropped her arms, as I stopped trying to pry them away she instantly squeezed hard.

Next moment tho the monowire wrapped around a ceiling beam and around her throat, sorry but I need you off.

I yanked, lifting her and myself for a moment before she dropped me and grabbed at the wire.

I quickly tried opening the pouch but got kicked.

I fell but the weight in my wire held me up, the kick broke the buckle so the pouch was in my hand.

I had only one free hand so I emptied it on the ground.

"Bingo." There was one suppressant vial still, I knew I didn't see her take them all, she skipped the last dose, for five days there were more then five, I don't remember how much but still, she much have thought she was fine and kept this one.

I grabbed it off the ground, uncapped in and slammed it in her thigh only to be kicked again.

Buy the time I stabilized myself, she had calmed down because of the liquid.

I instantly dropped her, not having really strangled her by tightening the monowire but her weight on it would have and I didn't want to kill her.

"Sorry." I muttered, because of our linked past or because I sliced in her neck with the wire? I don't know.... Both? Sorry for even more? Or less? I don't even care.

I guess the shock was too much, to learn the reason to your life and the Sandevistan's overuse above it.... It would knock anyone out.

I sighed, she looked so calm passed out.... I hope she'll be fine.

I crouched down, touching her head, passing my hand on her hair.

"I am truly sorry." I muttered.

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