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How am I back here?

Why am I back here?

I looked up or down at the earth depending on how you want to see it.

I watched the cloud cover, the ocean, the land masses, I watched the lights of the cities bellow, of Night City.

I stood away from the group of tourists.

I saw them laugh and play together but I just watched the earth.

With Arasaka and Militech gone from power other corpos swooped in, but they can't get as much control anymore like them, the edgerunners are sharps spikes in their wheels.

Arasaka's head corpos had unlinked from the system before it fried but they were found shot in their office so like Militech, no one was left to remember what they saved in the systems and recover it.

I do not know who shot them, Falcon and Rebecca denied it so I can only guess it was someone that snuck and profited from our mess.

Our mess....

I sat on the surface of the moon, my legs hanging off the side of a really small cliff, feet centimetres away from the lower surface.

I am still alive and yet my renown reaches that of David, Sandevistan from Santo, and the netrunner from hell.... Such a fitting name... And I am still alive.

I looked up at the earth with a sigh, closing my eyes.

"Hey! What the fuck Lucy!" I laughed softly to myself as I looked over my shoulder.

Zyber, struggling to move along, floating away.

"You haven't got any better despite having been in the BD, have you?" I asked, standing.

Zyber, despite the displeasure was still known as the Zybervistan and was venerated for bringing Smasher down and living.... Yeah living.... That was a stressful day....


"Zyber?! ZYBER!! I screamed, no, no, nonononono! NO!! "ZYBER!!!" I shook her. <FALCO!! DRIVE THROUGH A WALL!! SHOT A CHILD!! DO WHAT YOU CAN TO GET OVER HERE!!!>

<What Lu--> <JUST DO IT!!! PLEASE!!!>

I opened the quickhacks, the firewalls were down so I got in her systems, forcing the unneeded functions to shut off. Memory boost? Off. Mantis arm deployment system? Off. Adrenaline boost? Off: Everything not vital off, wanting to keep her body concentrating on keeping the vital organs alive, she is still breathing, I will not let her stop! We have a damned dream to get too!

I looked through the hip pouch, dumping it on the ground and grabbing the green vials, injecting them as it should lower the strain more.

I stood and ran, pulling her jacket off the ground.

"I'll buy a new one just please live." I begged as I tore a strip from it and tied it around the thigh the remained of that leg, pulling it really hard to cut the blood flow off. Doing the same thing with the rest of the arm. "Don't you dare stop breathing! I do not care how shallow just breath you hear me?!" I threatened her, balling up the cloth and stuffing it in the big hole in her chest, pressing, trying to staunch the bleeding. "I will make my happy ending come true!"

I heard screeching of wheels as the glass walls of Arasaka building were slammed in.

"Lucy!" He opened the driver's side window.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ