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"Come on, a punch." I thought, standing, I can at least do that right?

I swung.

"I missed you, Lucy." And I was caught by the wrist and thrown at the mass of cables, alone they were soft and pliable but all of them twisted together are quite solid.

I coughed as I laid on the ground, cheek against it as a few droplets of blood stained the smooth ground, many places.

I hate this, I know it is not him, they just reused his parts, his voice.... Heck, I moved on, I said goodbye.... So why do I freeze up? Why can't I control my body?

"I am growing bored of this, go on David, end her."

"Please if you are in there, don't." I tried to plead but there was no life behind his eyes, just a uniform dead red glow of soulless machines.... And I still could not deal a blow to him.

I looked down the barrel of a launcher system that came out of his arm.

I grabbed my own arm, closing my eyes, knowing now I could not even protect myself; I could not move.

But a blast interrupted, blowing the side of the building out.

Wind violently blew through the hole and out.

I covered my eyes before peeking out between my fingers.

"Get. Away. From. Lucy."

"Zyber?" I was surprised, this is the top floor, unlike Militech, Arasaka stored his netrunners and systems high because it would take a lot longer to access.... So how she gets up here?

She had an arm propped up on the top of the still not destroyed wall and her legs, the other hand hung at her side.

Worry settled in though, blood, hers, and others, stained her fists and body, part of her face shredded by some sort of bullet.

The most worrisome was the crazed smile as her eyes darted around, looking at unexciting people.... I TAKE THAT BACK!!! The MaxTac helicopter rising behind her is way more worrying.

"Ah, so she has arrived, David finish her now."



I pushed off my perch, running forwards with the Sandy.

I slide between Lucy and the enemy.

As I turned my back to them both to look over Lucy, as I spun, I drove my knee into the side plating of his side.

I scooped her up as the world started again and that man was launched away.

I shook my head, blinking several times, chasing the visual snow out of my vision, the shapes I saw vanishing, leaving me only with two other people and MaxTac.

"So that's David?" I asked, looking at who the bald man talked too. "But you have his Sandy."

"Only part of him, they used his pieces."

"Of course, Arasaka did, it is not every day they have someone fight me, they wanted their experiment to not go to waste even if you blew up half the shipment." The baldy said as David stood up.

"So, you must be Adam Smasher."

"And you must be the Zybervistan, honestly, underwhelming." He rose his arm, a huge canon popping out as his plating shifted. "But Arasaka wants you dead."

I turned away, hiding Lucy as I held my palm up.

The Sandy buzzed and I could aim up the rocket with my palm, this will limit the damage.

This exploded, sending us flying, god bless this ballistic implant, though it did shred it and I felt my hand movement impaired.

I looked ahead; the blast so powerful it blew out the rest of the wall I exploded.

I held on her tight as I aimed my foot up and kicked a MaxTac employee in the head as we had been going straight at them, better that then the fireball following the blast.

I caught a hold with my hurt hand as time resumed and the blast sent the helicopter into a spin, my jacket was already burning at the fireball, my hand was enough to mitigate technically but I got hurt on other parts too, my goal was that she was fine.

"Hold on Lucy!" I called out since I was still only holding her with one hand, trying to not be flung out of the helicopter that was spiralling out of control.

I fixed a spot, counting the moments as the vehicle spun and jumped out at the next spin.

I held her tightly as I fell.

I landed with the concrete crackling up under the shock of the impact.

The helicopter let out its own blast as it landed.

I looked up at the building with smoke rising, eyes glued to it.

"Are you alright?" I asked Lucy.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"No, you are not." I was angry at the blood on her I saw before, knowing its hers. "The chip?"

"It is in, now we just need to wait, I couldn't look at the download speed, Smasher blew the screen up."

"Alright." I put her down and pushed her behind me as a smoking trail launched from the building and slammed down carelessly on the sole survivor of the crack, crushing them, soon followed by another trail. "Stay behind me."

"You can't take care of both of them." She said worried.

"I have no choice; I can't have them hurt you."

I watched two silhouettes rise from the smoke as Smasher and David stepped out from it.

I took a breath... Come on body... This and it is over... You can take a break.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now