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Ok- so this is like a little angst fluff imagine. And also this is a true story


There isn't a day, without my parents comparing me to my cousin.

My cousin, let's call her Elena. (Not her real name) She is always perfect in my parents eyes.

You see, I was taller than her. They never compared my height to hers before, but they still compare me in any possible way.

Like, when I sit in bed on my phone tires as heck, and they see me and would say something like "You always sit in your bed, on your phone doing nothing!"

"Look at elena! She does everything. She cooks, cleans unlike you."

And that made me feel useless.

Ever since that has been going on, i haven't been getting enough sleep and I haven't been eating much.

No I didn't want my body to be perfect or something, its just I didn't have any motivation to eat anymore after they would compare me.

There is this only one person who tried to keep me happy.

Five hargreeves. My best friend ever since we were 10.

He always tried to make me happy. He would make some corny jokes to try and cheer me up, which works.

He would give me compliments and some other stuff that can cheer me up.

Today is one of the days they compared me again to elena.

And yeah, I already said I wasnt eating a lot anymore, and I haven't been getting enough sleep, and it made me shorter.

I was unhealthy.

And yes I am still a bit tall, but not that taller than Elena.

They compared me to how they noticed that I got shorter and she got taller

Earlier in the morning my mom said something that made me feel useless again.

"I noticed elena got taller than you. I saw that she has been getting so much sleep and, she eats a lot! Look at you, you look the complete opposite. She has a perfect body, and you look like a freaking skeleton."


I cried in my bed, for hours and over thinking that I'm not enough and I should be dead.

I dont deserve to be in this family.

There was this one time I was finally able to stand up for myself, but they just did it all thew ay around making me feel like I'm the bad guy.

I didn't tell five about it, 'cause I didn't want anyone to be worried.

But the words that came out of five's mouth made me feel better (Shaking rn)

I finally told him after he noticed I wasnt looking very good.

There was always a frown crept in my face, tear stains, looking pale and looking way skinnier.

So he comforted me, and asked me what's wrong.

"Come on n/n you can trust me. Tell me what's wrong." He says wrapping his arms around me.

"I-i" I stammer trying to say a word.

"Come on now, its fine" he kissed my forehead.

"I-i got compared again.." I finally managed to say.

He gave me a worried look "What did they say?"

"They said that I look the complete opposite of her. They said that i- that I look like a skeleton of how skinny I am than before, and how she looks better than eve-" before I could finish I broke down into sobs.

Five hugged me "Shh, its ok.." He says kissing the top of my head.

"I-i just felt like I dont- belong in this family i- i feel like an ugly failure!" I raise my voice a bit, making it crack.

"Hey, hey look at me y/n." He demands.

I kept my eyes on the ground, until he cupped my face making me look at him in the eyes.

I saw that he really is worried.

"You always will be pretty in my eyes no matter what. Even if you dont agree, ok?" He says making me break down again.

I really needed that. I have been going through a lot and I really really needed that.

"Thank you!" I say sobbing in his chest

"I love you alright? Its ok.."

Dam. I'm crying rn.

Words: 706

- Alex

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