The voice {part two}

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"Who are you" I screamed out hoping whoever it was out there heard me . I had a lot of questions to ask but didn't know how and when to ask them but what I knew was I needed to get home and I needed to get home now as reality hit me I had left my babies in the closet telling them I would be back

" where am I" I asked again knowing the voice won't answer me yet desperate for answers, for anything that could get me my mate and children back

" where did you take me" I asked feeling helpless causing a loud cackle to resonate throughout the endless field

" i didn't take you anywhere you fool, we are in your head" the voice said with spite causing a shiver to go down my spine and I wondered how Aiden still hadn't woken up yet
Except he wasn't just passed out there was something else stopping him from waking up

"What did you do to Aiden" I asked again

"I didn't do anything to him, or well I didn't do much just put him to sleep for a very long time. You know until your parents find you" she said sounding like she was tired of talking to me already

" what" seemed like the only thing my brain could process and my mouth could articulate

" oh goddess you really are as dumb as they say you are, do I really need to repeat my self for you to understand me. Oh well let me make things simpler for you , my name is Cersei not to toot my own horn or anything" she says releasing that same mad cackle . " but I am a very powerful witch, your parents have paid me along with the most elite team of trackers and warriors to capture you and bring you back.

" why what do they need me for" I said the information giving me chills down to my bones

" I don't know and guess what? I don't care, all I know is they need you in two days time" was all she said and I stood in one place stunned

"Well how do I leave this place " I said after regaining my self

" consider this as a warning" was all she said ignoring my question

I sighed and picked up Aiden carrying him on my back as I felt as though that was the easiest way to do this. I began running around hoping that maybe I'll reach an exit or see a door anything. I continued running around frantically not knowing what else to do

It felt like I was running for hours but I continued desperate to get out of here to my children and find out how to help Aiden. my legs were aching yet everywhere seemed so familiar it felt as though I'd been standing in the same spot through out

" help me" I screamed hoping that maybe someone will hear me and come to my aid but obviously no one came. Soon my legs could no longer support me let alone the both of us so I dropped Aiden on the floor and then slowly sat down next to him resting my head on his chest and falling into a deep slumber

When I stirred I noticed that I was no longer in that endless field but a white empty void Aiden was no longer next to me and I couldn't find him

"Hey" I screamed out
"Are you there?" I said referring to witch from before praying that she had changed her mind and decided to help me

"No she isn't, but I am" said another equally powerful voice but I noticed that this one had no evil in it. It was pure and comforting and I knew who it was immediately

"Goddess is that you" I asked hopeful yet terribly sure it was her

" yes it's me dear I am here to help you and give you a warning. Your parents are looking for you but I will not tell you the reason. The only way you are going to find out is if you let them capture you"

"Capture me" I asked uncertain as where this was going

"Yes that is why I am here to tell you not to be afraid no harm will come to you or your children I will make sure of it however going to them is the only way you can cure your mate and find out why they want you"

"Okay" I said agreeing with the moon goddess as I have learnt that no good comes with disobeying her

"But I have just one question" I paused feeling uneasy

"How do I get out of here? What about star and silver how are they doing" I questioned rushing out all my feelings at once causing her to laugh out a melody that was much pleasant than that that of the witch

"That's two questions my dear, but I will answer them. To leave all you have to do is imagine the last place where you were and you will instantly go back there and as for your babies the young alpha is refusing to sleep to make sure that the little omega who is in a peaceful slumber remains protected" she said while also revealing the status of my children

I've always known that silver was an alpha like me but I was really hoping that star would not be an omega but there was nothing I could have done

"Oh thank goddess" I said feeling relieved not caring that one of my children was an omega

"No need to thank me" she said slowly fading away

"Wait where is Aiden" I asked a little too late as she had already gone causing me to shut my eyes tightly as I tried to Imagine myself in the pool with my arms around Aiden while trying to pull him out of the water and soon enough I started to feel heavier and finally when I opened my eyes I was back in the pool struggling with Aiden but this time he remained still making it s lot easier for me

I quickly changed into my wolf who grabbed Aiden with her snout and got us out of the pool safely
I shifted and lay on my back beside Aiden as my chest continued to heave and soon it was only one thing left on my mind


Hey guys I'm baaaaack and I've been true with my updating schedule
At this point we're on a roll 1000+ words again
And also cliffhanger or if you can call it that
Don't forget to vote and comment what you think
Bye see you next week or rather weekend as I update on Sundays

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